Welcome a Co-worker Back From Maternity Leave: 6 Sample Messages

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Returning to work after having a baby is a big deal. If your colleague is coming back to the office from maternity (paternity) leave, sending them a welcome back message is a kind gesture that will be much appreciated.

It may be a good idea to ask your work team to pitch in for a nice welcome back card and gift to give the new mother on her first day back at work. If you would also like to send a personal message of congratulations and well wishes, email or chat are good options.

Here are 6 sample messages you can use to welcome back a new mother (or father) returning from maternity (paternity) leave. Whether you are a co-worker or manager, let them know you care!

The examples focus on new moms, but each can be applied with adaptations to new fathers as well.

From a Manager

📧 Example - Sweet and Simple

Dear Hana,

Welcome back! Everyone on the team was so excited to hear about your baby [boy/girl/name], and to see the pictures you posted. Congratulations, again. 

We are all glad to see you and have you back here with us. Let’s catch up later this week.



📧 Example - How can I help?

Dear Hana,

I want to send you a warm welcome back to the office. I hope you had a wonderful maternity leave with [baby’s name].

We at [company] are committed to helping you transition back into work as smoothly as possible. I can offer you [accomodation, e.g. lactation room or flexible hours] to meet the needs of your situation.

Let me know if there’s anything else you need.



📧 Example - Personal connection (request 1:1 or casual meeting)

Dear Hana,

Congratulations once again on your new baby! Looking forward to hearing more about them.

We all missed you and are so glad to welcome you back.

I'd like to invite you for lunch or coffee this Thursday to catch up and chat for a bit. See you then!



📧 Example - Updating them

Dear Hana,

I want to give you a big welcome back from your maternity leave! Wishing you and your child all the best. The team is here to support you as you settle in and get back into a routine.

Things have been busy here while you were away, but I'll just give you a rundown of the main points:

[Bullet points of major developments]

[Bullet points]

Maria [person who helped cover employee's duties while away] and I will be working together to help get you up to speed.

Send any questions you have my way!



From a Co-Worker

📧 Example - Complimenting baby

Dear Hana,

Welcome back to work!

Baby [name] is so precious and adorable. I loved seeing the pictures of her all dressed up for the holidays.

I can't wait to hear all about her and to catch up with you. Glad to have you back!



📧 Example - Offering support

Dear Hana,

I hope you are doing well!

It must be both exciting and stressful returning to the office. I'm sure you have a lot going on at home with your new bundle of joy, so just remember to take it slow.

I'm here for you if you need any help or have questions. Just let me know!

Welcome back!!



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