20 Unforgettable Examples You Can Use to Praise Your Team


As a manager, it can be difficult to compliment the team as a whole, and not direct the compliment at an individual. You may be looking for impactful ways to complement your team when they reach company milestones. Look no further, here are 20 unforgettable examples of team compliments:

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Personalized Swag For Employees 

To reward employees for hard work, you can order company swag for them. For instance, an order of jackets with the company logo and last name in the corner. This is not feasible for everyday work but can be a gesture used towards bigger milestones. 

Have A Group Golf Outing 

This serves as a reward and allows for team bonding within the group.

Go On A Team Retreat 

Not only is this rewarding, but it also allows for the group to grow closer. A strong team culture will lead to more success.

Celebrate the Team’s Success on Social Media 

Younger employees may respond well to this. Not only will this feel great for the employees to be featured on the company's social media, but it will also serve as a marketing tool for both your product and new employees, as it demonstrates great company culture. 

Increased Time Off 

Your employees will enjoy the gesture, especially after working hard through a big task or milestone. This will also help prevent employee burnout. 

Give the Group A Shoutout at a Larger Company Meeting 

Take a few minutes to mention your team’s success at a big meeting, show your appreciation, and allow others to acknowledge your employees’ hard work. 

Attend a Sports Game 

Spend an evening going to a game with your team as a reward. This will allow for an opportunity to grow closer and show your appreciation for the team.

Have a Catered Lunch for the Team 

Plan a team lunch and have some fun food catered. This will help brighten up your employees’ days and acknowledge the hard work they have put in. 

Invite a Speaker for an Inservice Day or Inspirational Speech 

The employees may enjoy hearing from another person in the field or to learn a cool new skill. If you know anyone within your network, invite them to speak to your employees about an interesting topic. 

Add Something New to the Break Room 

Think about getting a new coffeemaker for the break room. Even creating a snack section with your employees’ favorite treats can demonstrate your appreciation. 

Purchase New Devices for the Employees

For reaching a big company milestone, think about getting the employees a new iPad or computer for work. A nice addition could be a case or laptop sleeve in the company colors. 

Create A PowerPoint Presentation 

Make a detailed presentation indicating key statistics of their amazing performance and the impact it had on the company as a whole. Truly emphasize that their work made the company grow. Your employees will feel a greater sense of motivation from this, as they see their work is truly doing something. 

Make Posters for the Office to Highlight Success

You can create posters to place around the office to appreciate your team members and their work. Include key statistics on their impact on the company’s growth.

Have a Team Picnic 

You can invite your team for a weekend picnic and even invite their families too. This will allow you to grow as a team and celebrate your success among their families as well. 

Let the Team Leave Early on a Friday 

Giving your team a chance to start the weekend early will be a reward that resonates with your employees greatly. They will appreciate you and see your understanding of the hard work towards a big task.

Send an Email Indicating Your Appreciation 

Any sort of expression of gratitude to your employees will go a long way. Simply sending an email acknowledging you see the work they are putting in will boost the team's morale. Consider including some key statistics indicating their impact if possible. 

Purchase a Subscription for Your Team Such as Spotify or Calm

Your team may appreciate you adding on an additional work benefit such as a subscription. Adding a music or podcast service will show your appreciation for their hard work over a certain period and demonstrate your willingness to find a reward that will be good for their free time. 

Upgrade Your Team’s Workspace

Consider getting new chairs or desks for your employees. This can be a token of your appreciation and demonstrate your interest in their well-being at work. 

Have a Team Appreciation Day 

After the completion of a big milestone, take a day to celebrate your team. Doing so will allow the employees to have a bit of fun and relaxation to avoid burnout after a big project. On this day, have a team lunch and activities planned to make the day enjoyable and memorable. 

Order Matching Team T-shirts 

A fun gesture for hard work in the office could be ordering fun shirts for the employees. It could be based on an inside joke between the employees or a motto the team enjoys. This can bond the group closer together and show your support for the group culture. 


As a manager, it can be difficult to find the best gesture of appreciation for your employees. Think of something that would resonate best with them and show your acknowledgment of their hard work. Find a method that addresses the difficulty of the task best, but the most memorable rewards are the ones that connect personally to your employees’ interests and character. 


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