4 Ways to Ensure Information is Shared Openly

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When information is properly distributed throughout the workplace, it has a positive impact on the employees, company productivity, and the business itself. Encouraging transparency in the workplace is crucial to cultivate an environment when information is shared. 

While some industries, such as healthcare and government, are required to be more confidential, the right education can allow even these employees to share beneficial information. Continue reading to find out what information hoarding looks like and how to prevent it from happening. 

Signs There is Information Hoarding

  • Information Is Shared In A Slow Drip

When someone has all the information but will share it in bits and pieces it is likely they are hoarding information. If you have to ask question after question to get all the information you’re probably being slowly dripped with information. Providing all information upfront can speed up the communication process and help the other person to get to the solution faster. 

  • Competition And ‘Territories’ Within The Workplace 

If the workplace has an environment where employees are competing against one another, it is likely information is also being held secretly. Non-confidential information being shared company-wide allows for more people to benefit from it. Everyone working within a company are members of the same team and should not be thought of as competitors. 

  • Everything Is ‘Confidential’ 

While certain data is confidential, if you have employees who refer to almost all their work information as confidential, they are withholding information. Even with confidential work, there is information such as company statistics or company news that can be shared to benefit other workers.

  • Critical Information Stays On Personal Laptops Or Email Threads 

When information is stored on personal computers, it prevents other employees from accessing it. Having a shared cloud for employees to easily input information that is accessible company-wide can prevent this from happening. 

  • Stalling To Share Information Or Not Following Through 

If you’re constantly strung along with receiving information, it is likely this employee is attempting to keep the information for themselves. If you’re always given an excuse or a later date for the information to be shared it's likely you have an information hoarding problem in your workplace. 

Why Is Information Sharing Important? 

Sharing information in the workplace is important because it allows employees to work together to improve the productivity and success of the business. Giving more employees access to information allows for more eyes to be solving a problem or creating ideas. As long as the information is not legally confidential, it should be shared throughout the workplace. Information can range from company analytics to the distribution of sales data. As a manager, you are able to decide what information is shareable or private. 

How To Ensure Information is Shared Openly

  • Create A Company Cloud 

Having a company cloud allows for all members of the company to login through their credentials and have access to information from work or from home. A cloud allows for different permission levels, so information can be varied based on what is appropriate. Employees can share information into the cloud on their own terms and access other shared information all in one place. 

  • Train Employees To Distribute Information Properly 

Some companies will have the tools for transparency, but their employees will not utilize it properly. Provide training for employees on what information to share, where to share it, and how to access it to prevent this from happening. Provide regular training for the employees in this area so they are able to maximize their resources. 

  • Educate Employees On Confidentiality 

Working in industries such as healthcare or government where there is potential for data leaks many employees will be overly cautious in sharing information. Educating employees on what needs to remain confidential and what is beneficial to share will allow employees to be confident in sharing information. Annual training on this can provide employees with a place to ask questions as well as reassure them on information sharing. 

  • Be Transparent Yourself 

Employees will follow the lead of their higher-ups. As a manager, it is important that you encourage transparency and act with transparency yourself. When a manager starts sharing information and providing a network to collaborate, employees will follow. 


Information sharing in the workplace is very beneficial for success, collaboration, and productivity. Creating a culture of transparency will encourage employees to be transparent with information themselves. Allowing employees to hoard information can lead to a competitive and toxic environment, which will ultimately limit the productivity of your workplace. 

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