5 Kind Approaches to Making Corrections to your Employees


An inevitable part of being a manager is making sure that things are being communicated and executed properly. When mistakes are made, they need to be identified and corrected. It is especially important in group settings because if left without correcting then others may begin to think that the mistake is the expected direction or thought processes. Correcting mistakes does not have to be rude or formal. Instead, be open and honest with employees and look to use mistakes as teachable moments. 

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5 Kind Approaches to Correcting an Employee 


Correcting a mistake verbally can be done with varying severity. It is important to remember that most mistakes are not catastrophic so give a response that matches. A simple mistake can be corrected with a simple verbal correction; let the employee know what went right and what went wrong. It's crucial to acknowledge what the employee did right too. 

Reframe As A Teaching Moment

Some mistakes are commonly made, maybe there's a confusing protocol in place. Reframe the mistake into a teachable moment for the rest of your employees. Let the employee know that 'hey it’s okay, this actually allows for a really great teachable moment.’ Some employees will even be relieved to know they are not the only ones who make this mistake. Ensure you are not calling out or singling out the employee, most of the time you can reframe a mistake as a teachable moment without referencing the name of the employee. 

Correct in Private 

When an employee makes an honest mistake, it's appropriate to correct the error in private. Calling out an employee for an honest mistake can hurt the trust and respect between you and the employee. As mentioned above, make sure to mention what the employee is doing well.

Get the Employee Involved 

A great way to correct an employee is to get them involved in the solution. Ask the employee “what did you do well/what went right” and, “how can we do better?” If the employee is able to create a good solution then the conversation can end. If not, lay out what could’ve gone better and ask them for their input. 

Understand Where the Mistake Came From 

It’s important when correcting an employee to understand their logic behind the mistake. Showing genuine concern will encourage your employees to be more honest with you instead of offering an excuse. Showing interest in why the mistake was made will allow you to find out useful information, potentially the employee was improperly trained, or perhaps they did not know they were making a mistake in the first place. Listening shows respect and will encourage employees to be honest and upfront with you. 


Remember that mistakes happen; everyone makes them. Whatever way you go about correcting your employees' mistakes, it's important to avoid the ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ mindset. As the supervisor, your employees already know this. The severity of mistakes can vary which means your response to mistakes should vary. However, as a manager no matter how small the mistake is it is important to correct it to prevent future mistakes

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