Understanding Deloitte’s Performance Review Process

What is Deloitte’s Performance Review Process?

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Deloitte’s performance review process is designed to evaluate and enhance employee performance through continuous feedback and structured evaluations. It provides real-time insights, supports professional development, and ensures that individual performance aligns with the firm’s overall objectives.

Deloitte transitioned from traditional annual reviews to a more dynamic system to address several challenges, such as delayed feedback and misalignment with fast-paced business needs. The new process aims to promote agility, continuous improvement, and better alignment with strategic objectives.

How It Works

Performance Snapshots

Employees receive quarterly or per-project performance snapshots. These snapshots provide timely feedback, focusing on specific achievements and areas for improvement. Data is collected from self-assessments, peer reviews, and manager evaluations.

Weekly Check-ins

Managers conduct regular check-ins with their team members to discuss progress, set goals, and provide real-time feedback. These meetings address issues promptly and keep employees aligned with their objectives.

Annual Compensation Decisions

Annual reviews are used to make compensation decisions, including salary adjustments and bonuses. This separation ensures that developmental feedback is not conflated with compensation discussions. Information from snapshots and check-ins is aggregated to inform these decisions.

Ratings and Rating Categories

Deloitte's performance review process includes several rating categories to capture different aspects of employee performance, providing insights into strengths, areas for improvement, and overall contribution to the firm.

Client and Teaming

  • Client Satisfaction: Measures how well an employee meets client expectations, including the quality of deliverables and responsiveness.

  • Team Collaboration: Assesses the ability to work effectively with team members, contributing to a positive team dynamic and achieving collective goals.

Firm and Market

  • Firm Contribution: Evaluates an employee’s commitment to Deloitte’s internal initiatives, such as mentoring, knowledge sharing, and participating in firm-wide activities.

  • Market Impact: Considers the employee's influence in the market, including business development efforts, thought leadership, and industry reputation.

Performance Ratings

  • Strongly Agree: Indicates that the employee consistently exceeds expectations.

  • Agree: Shows that the employee meets expectations and occasionally exceeds them.

  • Below: Reflects that the employee is not meeting expectations and requires improvement.

Snapshot Inflation

Snapshot Inflation refers to the tendency for performance ratings to become inflated over time, leading to discrepancies during year-end evaluations. This can distort the true picture of an employee’s performance, making it challenging to differentiate between high and average performers accurately.

Example Scenario: An employee consistently receives “Strongly Agree” ratings throughout the year. However, due to inflation, these ratings might not accurately reflect their performance relative to peers. During the year-end review, the employee might be marked as "below" in certain categories to adjust for this inflation, causing anxiety and concerns about job security and career progression.

Pros and Cons


  • Real-time Feedback: Frequent check-ins and snapshots ensure timely and relevant feedback, helping employees improve continuously.

  • Focus on Development: The process emphasizes future performance and development rather than just past achievements.

  • Agility: The system is designed to be flexible and adapt to the changing needs of the business and employees.


  • Time-Consuming: Regular check-ins and frequent evaluations can be time-consuming for both managers and employees.

  • Subjectivity: Despite efforts to standardize evaluations, subjective elements can still affect ratings.

  • Implementation Challenges: Transitioning to this new system can be challenging and may require significant training and adjustment.


  • Quarterly Snapshots: Conducted every three months or at the end of major projects. These snapshots provide periodic reviews of performance to guide development.

  • Weekly Check-ins: Held regularly, typically once a week. These meetings are essential for ongoing feedback and goal setting.

  • Annual Review: Conducted at the end of the fiscal year to make compensation decisions. This review consolidates feedback from snapshots and check-ins to determine salary adjustments and bonuses.

Key Vocabulary

  • Performance Snapshot: A brief, periodic evaluation of an employee’s performance, focusing on specific achievements and areas for improvement.

  • Check-in: A regular meeting between a manager and an employee to discuss performance, goals, and feedback.

  • Compensation Decision: Annual decisions regarding salary adjustments, bonuses, and other financial rewards based on performance.

  • Snapshot Inflation: The inflation of performance ratings over time, affecting the accuracy of evaluations.

Feedback Loop and Adjustment

Deloitte gathers feedback on the performance review process itself and makes adjustments to improve it over time. Employees and managers can suggest changes or improvements through structured feedback mechanisms.


Deloitte’s performance review process represents a significant shift from traditional annual reviews to a more dynamic and continuous feedback system. By focusing on real-time feedback and development, Deloitte aims to foster a culture of continuous improvement and agility. While the process has its challenges, such as potential subjectivity and the time commitment required, its benefits in terms of timely feedback and development focus make it a valuable approach for modern performance management.

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