20 Persuasive Flattery Examples (in a Sentence)

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Have you ever wanted to get on someone’s good side? 

Flattery can help you out when you want to build rapport with someone and create a positive image of yourself in their mind. Later down the line, if you need help or have to persuade them of something, they will be much more likely to do what you want.

What is flattery? And why does it work?

Flattery is the act of complimenting someone based on their accomplishments or something you like about that person.

This method is common practice in most people’s lives. You say something nice to show that you are friendly towards someone. Flattery works because people tend to have a more positive view of those who give them compliments and make them feel good about themselves.

What is the difference between flattering someone and showing appreciation?

At times, flattery has a negative connotation as insincere.

This is not necessarily the case, as you can genuinely praise someone when providing flattering comments.

Showing your appreciation of the other person’s efforts is a surefire way to both flatter them and uplift their spirits.

How to flatter someone

When it comes to flattery, there are three guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Understand how they want to be perceived by others  

  2. Reinforce that desired perception with compliments

  3. Make the comment relevant to their work or personality

Basically, the better you know a person and their ideals, the more effective you will be in offering compliments that they truly appreciate. 

But the hardest thing is to come up with a flattering statement that works without coming off as insincere. We surveyed thousands of people and asked them what was the most flattering thing they’ve heard in their career. Read their stories to inspire you to come up with your own.

Examples of flattering comments

We call him the “wrecking ball”


“You are a one-man wrecking crew. You do the work of many and never complain.”

Why It Worked

It applauded his exceptional work ethic and praised him for having a good attitude. Also implied that he could take on anything in his path.

The hero we need


“If we were in the zombie apocalypse, you'd be the most prepared one to save us all.” 

Why It Worked

It appealed to one of his favorite obsessions outside of work: wilderness survival skills.

You’ve got the Midas touch


“Everything you touch turns into gold.”

Why It Worked

The comment made the recipient feel highly valuable to the team. Their efforts and the quality results they produced were acknowledged and compared to gold.

A cut above the rest


“I've worked with people who went to the same university that you did, and I can say that you are different from all of them - but in a good way.”

Why It Worked

It implied that the person was at the top of their class in an indirect (and thus, clever) way.

To be fair and straightforward is the goal


“You treat everyone the same whether they’re an intern or CEO.”

Why It Worked

It implied that the recipient is down to earth.

You’re so good...that it’s bad


“You're really annoying, is there anything that you aren't good at?”

Why It Worked

The delivery twist and humor made the flattery more memorable.

Finally, some actual positive feedback


“You handled the project impressively.”

Why It Worked

While this quote may not flatter some, the recipient loved it. He felt that this flattery wasn’t focused on something superficial like a new tie or suit; instead, it was focused on his work, and at his workplace comments about performance were rare.

Impressive as always, Mr. Spock


“Your ability to make logical decisions, under stressful situations, is the epitome of grace under pressure.”

Why It Worked

Person wanted to be viewed as a strong, confident leader, and the giver’s quote reflected this image the recipient strived for.

You made it look easy


“You’ve managed to solve a problem in two days that I was struggling with for 3 months.”

Why It Worked

The use of numbers and comparison concretely demonstrated the recipient’s impact, making the flattery feel genuine.

And for those of you who are curious, her magic solution involved Zapier and lead generation software.

Why dispense only a spoonful instead of a truckload full of sugar?


“You are universally adored and admired by people whose opinions actually matter.” 

Why It Worked

Even those who know this is over-the-top will take it, cling on  to it, and use it to brighten their entire day.

We’re not Star Wars fans, but just the sound of this makes us grin


“You make a compelling Jedi.“

Why It Worked

Who doesn’t want to be a sci-fi ninja?

Maybe it’s Maybelline


“Your lips look very nice in that red lipstick.”

Why It Worked

This was said at the workplace. For this person, knowing that she looked good made her feel more powerful at work.

The guardian angel of the office


“You are my guiding light for how I should behave at work.”

Why It Worked

The recipient was put on a pedestal, and she admitted that it made her even more eager to share her skills with her young mentee.

A bright star in the sky


“You light up our office. I’m lucky to work with you.”

Why It Worked

Not only did this put the recipient in a good mood, she admitted that she was still smiling when she got back home. It shows that the flattery doesn’t have to be unique or witty. Flattery is so rare that even a small speck of it is equivalent to a ton of gold.

We’d fall apart without you


“You’re the glue that holds us together.“

Why It Worked

It makes the recipient feel integral to the success of their team, and shows them how grateful their co-workers are to have them.

A good person can do great things


“The changes you're making for the company are remarkable. I've never worked with someone who has such a big heart.”

- Willie Greer, Founder, The Product Analyst

Why it Worked

Appealed to a person’s ego belief that they’re a compassionate leader and making a real difference with their work.

Looking good, boss


“Sir. You’re really looking sharp today. Did you hire a fashion designer to dress you?” 

Why It Worked

The individual’s lack of fashion sense was something widely commented on by his co-workers. He had worked hard to improve upon it, and he was thrilled that someone recognized his improvement.

We’re in this together


“Usually a fellow co-worker doesn't help if there is nothing in it for them, but you support me no matter what and that’s why I have your back.”

Why It Worked

The flattery worked because:

  1. It appealed to the recipient’s ego that they’re selfless.

  2. The recipient also plead loyalty to the recipient, which is very comforting to hear.

Making progress


“I appreciate your enthusiasm.”

Why It Worked

The recipient is very shy, and she had to work hard to appear enthusiastic. She was thrilled that someone recognized her effort to be a better person, and she was proud that she overcame a personal obstacle.

If only...


“If you were not dating someone else, I would date you. You’re too smart for him.”

Why It Worked

The flattery worked because the giver provided the recipient affirmation and told her she was desirable, appealing to her sense of self-worth.

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