Free Performance Review Worksheet

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I’ve created an amazing spreadsheet to help you get ready for performance review season.

If you’re a manager

Have each employee provide input

Ask each direct report to fill out the spreadsheet for each competency you specify.

Competencies can align with their job role. For example, at my company, individuals are evaluated on three competencies:

  • Execution

  • Communication skills

  • Decision-making

For each competency, have them provide at least three wins.

Ask them to format in resume bullet format. That is, it should be:

  • Succinct

  • Easy-to-scan

  • Show results especially numerical ones, when possible

Use the input

Once they’ve filled it out, use it as a cheat sheet when filling out their performance review. That is, as you comment on their performance, use the win examples as evidence of their work.

If you’re an employee

Be proactive in filling it out

Don’t wait for your boss to ask you to fill out this form.

In other words, you don’t want him to fill out your performance review without this cheat sheet. They’re busy and overwhelmed with their work and life responsibilities. Do you really want them to fill out your performance review without the facts, figures, and other evidence at their fingertips?

It’s going to feel like a resume writing exercise. In other words, it’s going to be hard work. But when you perfect the output, your boss will be impressed and give you the performance review you deserve.

How to share with your boss

It might feel awkward to proactively share your wins with your boss. But it doesn’t have to be.

Just say:

Hey ____, I had some time this weekend, and I summarized my key wins over the last ___ months, sorted by competency. Hope this helps with the upcoming review season.

Once you’ve emailed your spreadsheet of wins, you can celebrate and rest easy. You’ve done everything within your control to give yourself the best review possible.

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