How Managers Can Boost Innovation Using the CIRCLES Method™

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Boosting innovation is a perpetual challenge for managers in today's fast-paced business environment. Why?

Because innovation is inherently unpredictable and often resists traditional management approaches. Managers face several hurdles:

  1. Balancing creativity with practicality: Encouraging wild ideas while maintaining focus on feasible solutions.

  2. Overcoming organizational inertia: Breaking free from "we've always done it this way" mentality.

  3. Managing risk: Innovating without jeopardizing current operations or financial stability.

  4. Fostering a culture of innovation: Creating an environment where all employees feel empowered to contribute ideas.

  5. Time and resource constraints: Allocating sufficient time and resources for innovation amid daily operational demands.

  6. Measuring innovation: Defining and tracking meaningful metrics for innovation success.

These challenges make boosting innovation a tricky tightrope walk for managers. However, structured approaches like the CIRCLES Method™ can provide a framework to navigate these complexities.

What is the CIRCLES Method™

The CIRCLES Method™ is a problem-solving framework developed by Lewis C. Lin, primarily used in product management but applicable to various innovation challenges. CIRCLES is an acronym that stands for:

C - Comprehend the Situation

I - Identify the Customer

R - Report the Customer's Need

C - Cut Through Prioritization

L - List Solutions

E - Evaluate Trade-offs S - Summarize Recommendation

Why is it Appropriate for Boosting Innovation?

The CIRCLES Method™ is well-suited for boosting innovation because:

  1. It provides a structured approach to creative thinking, balancing free-form ideation with practical considerations.

  2. It puts customer needs at the center, ensuring innovations are relevant and valuable.

  3. It encourages thorough analysis and prioritization, helping to focus resources on the most promising ideas.

  4. It promotes a systematic evaluation of options, reducing the risk associated with innovation.

  5. It can be applied to various scenarios, from product development to process improvement.

How to Use the CIRCLES Method™

Here's how managers can apply the CIRCLES Method™ to boost innovation:

  1. Comprehend the Situation:

    • Clearly define the problem or opportunity for innovation.

    • Gather relevant data and context.

  2. Identify the Customer:

    • Determine who will benefit from the innovation.

    • Consider both external customers and internal stakeholders.

  3. Report the Customer's Need:

    • Articulate the specific needs or pain points of the identified customers.

    • Use techniques like user research or surveys to gain deep insights.

  4. Cut Through Prioritization:

    • Identify the most critical needs or opportunities.

    • Use frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize.

  5. List Solutions:

    • Brainstorm a wide range of potential solutions.

    • Encourage wild ideas and suspend judgment initially.

  6. Evaluate Trade-offs:

    • Assess each solution against criteria like feasibility, impact, and cost.

    • Consider potential risks and drawbacks.

  7. Summarize Recommendation:

    • Choose the best solution(s) based on the evaluation.

    • Clearly articulate the rationale for the recommendation.

Practical Application

Let's say a software company wants to innovate its customer support system:

  1. Comprehend: Current system is slow and customers are dissatisfied.

  2. Identify: Both end-users and support staff are customers.

  3. Report: Customers need faster resolution times; staff need better tools.

  4. Cut: Prioritize reducing response time and improving first-contact resolution.

  5. List: Ideas might include AI chatbots, improved knowledge base, predictive issue detection.

  6. Evaluate: Compare options based on implementation time, cost, and potential impact.

  7. Summarize: Recommend implementing an AI-powered chatbot for common issues, freeing up staff for complex problems.

Tips for Managers

  1. Use the CIRCLES Method™ in team workshops to foster collaborative innovation.

  2. Apply the method iteratively, refining ideas through multiple cycles.

  3. Encourage diverse perspectives throughout the process.

  4. Document the process and outcomes to build an innovation knowledge base.

  5. Celebrate both successful innovations and valuable learnings from less successful attempts.

Sample Dialogue

MANAGER: Hi Alex, I've noticed you have some great ideas for improving our product. I'd like to walk you through a method that can help us develop these ideas more effectively. Are you familiar with the CIRCLES Method™?

ALEX: No, I haven't heard of it. What's it about?

MANAGER: It's a framework for innovation. Let's use it to explore your idea about enhancing our app's user interface. First, can you help me comprehend the situation?

ALEX: Well, we've been getting feedback that our app is a bit cluttered and hard to navigate, especially for new users.

MANAGER: Good. Now, let's identify the customer. Who are we focusing on here?

ALEX: I think our main target would be new users, but it would benefit all our customers really.

MANAGER: Excellent. Can you report the customer's need more specifically?

ALEX: Sure. They need a simpler, more intuitive interface that allows them to access key features quickly without feeling overwhelmed.

MANAGER: Great insight. Now, let's cut through and prioritize. What do you think is the most critical aspect of this need?

ALEX: I'd say simplifying the main dashboard is the top priority. It's the first thing users see and it sets the tone for their entire experience.

MANAGER: I agree. Now, let's list some potential solutions. Don't worry about feasibility yet - let's get creative.

ALEX: Okay, we could:

  1. Implement a customizable dashboard

  2. Create a "beginner mode" with limited options

  3. Use AI to predict and show the most relevant features for each user

  4. Redesign with a minimalist aesthetic

  5. Add an interactive tutorial overlay

MANAGER: Those are fantastic ideas, Alex! Now, let's evaluate the trade-offs. What are some pros and cons of each?

ALEX: [Discusses pros and cons of each idea]

MANAGER: Great analysis. Now, can you summarize your recommendation based on this evaluation?

ALEX: I think the customizable dashboard offers the best balance of addressing user needs and feasibility. We could start with a simple, clean default layout and allow users to add or remove elements as they become more familiar with the app.

MANAGER: Excellent work, Alex! You've really thought this through. I'm impressed with how you've used this method to develop your initial idea into a concrete, well-reasoned proposal.

ALEX: Thanks! This CIRCLES Method™ really helped me organize my thoughts and consider aspects I might have overlooked.

MANAGER: That's great to hear. Why don't you put together a more detailed proposal for this customizable dashboard idea? We can present it at next week's product meeting.

ALEX: Sounds good! I'm excited to develop this further.

MANAGER: Wonderful. Remember, you can use this method for any innovation ideas you have in the future. It's a great way to ensure we're addressing real customer needs and considering all angles before moving forward.

ALEX: Definitely. I can see how this could be useful for all sorts of challenges. Thanks for introducing me to this approach!

MANAGER: You're welcome, Alex. I'm looking forward to seeing more innovative ideas from you using this method.


While boosting innovation remains a complex challenge, the CIRCLES Method™ offers managers a structured approach to navigate these waters. By systematically comprehending the situation, focusing on customer needs, and rigorously evaluating options, managers can foster a more innovative environment. Remember, the key to successful innovation lies not just in generating ideas, but in effectively prioritizing, evaluating, and implementing them. With practice, the CIRCLES Method™ can become a powerful tool in your innovation toolkit, helping you and your team turn creative sparks into impactful innovations.

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