How to Coach Employees on Performance

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Coaching employees on performance is often cited as one of the most challenging responsibilities for managers. It requires a delicate balance of providing support, delivering constructive feedback, and fostering growth—all while maintaining morale and productivity. In this blog post, we'll explore why coaching employees on performance is fraught with complexities and how the GROW framework offers a structured approach to address and improve poor performance effectively.

Why Coaching Employees on Performance is Tricky:

Coaching employees on performance presents a unique set of challenges for managers:

Balancing Act: 

Managers must navigate the fine line between being supportive and holding employees accountable. Too much criticism can lead to demotivation, while too much leniency can perpetuate poor performance.

Emotional Dynamics: 

Addressing poor performance can evoke strong emotions from both parties involved. Managers may feel frustration or disappointment, while employees may feel embarrassed or defensive. Managing these emotions constructively is crucial for successful coaching.

Skill Gap: 

Not all managers possess the necessary coaching skills to address poor performance effectively. Providing feedback, setting goals, and creating action plans require a nuanced approach that may not come naturally to all managers.

Fear of Conflict: 

Many managers avoid addressing poor performance due to a fear of conflict or confrontation. However, ignoring performance issues only allows them to persist and potentially escalate.

Time Constraints: 

Managers often juggle multiple responsibilities and may struggle to find the time to dedicate to coaching employees on performance effectively.

The GROW Framework:

A Solution for Effective Coaching

Amidst these challenges, the GROW framework offers a structured approach to coaching employees on performance, specifically addressing and improving poor performance:


Begin by establishing clear, specific goals with the employee. What are the desired outcomes and expectations? Goals should be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—to provide clarity and accountability.


Assess the current reality of the employee's performance. Engage in an open and honest discussion about strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Encourage the employee to reflect on their performance and identify obstacles or challenges.


Collaboratively explore potential options and strategies for improvement. Brainstorm ideas and solutions together, encouraging creativity and innovation. Empower the employee to take ownership of their development process by offering guidance and support.


Establish commitment and accountability for implementing the agreed-upon action plan. Set clear milestones and deadlines for progress, and schedule regular check-ins to review performance and provide feedback. Encourage open communication and adjust the plan as needed.

Sample Dialogue

MANAGER: Hi [Employee], do you have a moment to chat?

EMPLOYEE: Sure, what's up?

MANAGER: I wanted to touch base with you regarding your recent performance. I've noticed that there have been some challenges, and I want to work together to address them.

EMPLOYEE: Oh, okay. What specifically are you referring to?

MANAGER: Well, for example, your recent project submissions have been delayed, and there have been some quality issues with your work. I want to understand if there's anything going on that's causing these challenges.

EMPLOYEE: I'm sorry to hear that. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately with the workload, and I've been struggling to prioritize tasks effectively.

MANAGER: Thank you for sharing that. Let's take a step back and look at how we can address this. First, let's establish some clear goals for your performance moving forward. What do you think would be realistic and achievable targets for you?

EMPLOYEE: I think setting deadlines for each task and breaking down larger projects into smaller, more manageable chunks would be helpful.

MANAGER: Great, let's do that. I'll work with you to create a SMART goal for each project and task. Now, let's talk about the current reality. What resources or support do you need to meet these goals?

EMPLOYEE: I could use some additional training on time management and prioritization techniques. Also, having regular check-ins with you to discuss my progress would be beneficial.

MANAGER: That sounds like a good plan. I'll arrange for some training sessions for you, and we can schedule weekly check-ins to review your progress. Now, let's brainstorm some options for overcoming the challenges you're facing.

EMPLOYEE: Maybe we could delegate some of the tasks to other team members or explore automation tools to streamline the process.

MANAGER: Those are great ideas. Let's explore those options further and see how we can implement them. Finally, are you committed to implementing these strategies and making the necessary improvements?

EMPLOYEE: Absolutely, I'm committed to improving my performance and meeting the expectations of the team.

MANAGER: Wonderful. I'll support you every step of the way, and we'll work together to ensure your success. Thank you for being open and proactive in addressing these challenges.

EMPLOYEE: Thank you for your support, [Manager]. I really appreciate it.


Coaching employees on performance, especially when addressing poor performance, is undoubtedly a challenging task for managers. However, by leveraging the GROW framework, managers can create a structured and collaborative approach that fosters growth and improvement. By setting clear goals, assessing reality, exploring options, and establishing commitment, managers can effectively coach employees to reach their full potential and contribute to the success of the organization. So, let's embrace the challenge, hone our coaching skills, and empower our teams to thrive.

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