6 Ways to Give Workplace Feedback More Quickly 

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Are you a manager struggling with giving feedback to your employees? Are your employees badgering you for feedback? Being a manager requires you to juggle a multitude of tasks, and we are here to help you give feedback more quickly. Below are some key ways to make giving feedback to your employees easy: 

Understand Feedback Can Be Both Positive and Negative

If you are struggling to find fault in your employee’s work, don’t hesitate to give them positive feedback. This can help reinforce their good behavior and habits, which can keep them focused in your workplace. 

Give Feedback Relating to Recent Events

When you are having difficulty coming up with feedback for your employee, try to think of the most recent tasks and workplace behavior. For positive feedback, giving more recent comments allows for the employee to reinforce their good habits. With negative feedback, it is important to provide this as soon as you notice they aren’t fulfilling expectations. Then, the employee can immediately fix the issue before it continues to disrupt office productivity. If you are worried about giving negative feedback, review 5 Elegant Ways to Tell an Employee Their Performance is Poor to receive some tips about breaking the news.

Feedback Does Not Have to Be Extravagant 

Facing the task of giving feedback can be daunting. However, the feedback does not need to be fancy. You can keep it simple, and the feedback will still be effective. Don’t feel the pressure of creating lengthy performance reports. Turn to ManageBetter’s ReviewBuilder to help you make a review for your employee. Choosing from our over 3,000 coined feedback phrases will remove the stress of coming up with ways to deliver the feedback. 

Set A Schedule For Delivering Feedback

If you are struggling with coming up with routine feedback, create a schedule to follow. You can mark out time in your calendar to create performance comments. Choose when you want to give feedback. You can also send out a form for your employees to weigh in on how often they would like to receive feedback. If you are looking for a way to give quicker feedback, turn to the ManageBetter ActionPlan to follow up on progress towards workplace goals, rather than creating a long performance review. This can make sure your employees remain on track for improvements and strive to be the best they can be within your workplace. 

Not All Feedback Requires a One-On-One Meeting 

To efficiently provide feedback to all your employees, it will be very difficult to meet with all your employees to go over the reviews. It will also be hard to verbally deliver the feedback in all cases. Understanding when feedback needs to be a private conversation is crucial to allocating time effectively. If you have an employee who is particularly struggling or has a drastic change in productivity, you should prioritize meeting face-to-face with that employee for a private conversation to address the issue. Here is a list of some ways to deliver feedback other than a one-on-one in-person conversation:

  • Send an instant message (Teams, Slack etc)

  • Write up an email 

  • Give a paper copy of the performance feedback to an employee

  • Have a quick phone call

If You See Something, Say Something Immediately

To avoid a backlog of feedback, try to give reviews, particularly negative feedback when you begin to notice the issue. Having someone either underperforming or causing issues in the workplace will harm the work environment. Remember, the feedback doesn’t need to be extravagant, but saying something will begin to address the issue. Sometimes the employee has no idea they are doing something wrong, so a quick email or phone call can address the problem instead of putting it off. 


Giving feedback quickly can be difficult as a manager. Finding a schedule and method that works best for you will avoid the pileup of performance reviews. Turn to our tools, such as the ActionPlan or ReviewBuilder to make giving feedback quick and easy, and you’ll avoid the stress of creating a review on your own. 

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