How to Plan Team Topologies with Examples

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Planning team topologies—how teams are structured and interact within an organization—is a challenging task for managers due to several inherent complexities:

  1. Diverse Organizational Needs: Organizations vary widely in size, industry, and operational scope, leading to diverse requirements for team structures. What works for a tech startup may not be suitable for a multinational corporation or a government agency.

  2. Balancing Specialization and Collaboration: Finding the right balance between specialized teams that excel in specific domains and cross-functional teams that foster collaboration can be tricky. Over-specialization may lead to silos, while overly broad teams can struggle with efficiency and accountability.

  3. Adapting to Change: In today’s dynamic business environment, organizational priorities and market conditions can change rapidly. Team topologies must be agile enough to adapt to these changes without causing disruptions in productivity or alignment with strategic goals.

  4. Cultural Considerations: Team structures impact organizational culture and dynamics significantly. For example, a hierarchical structure may emphasize clear reporting lines but hinder innovation, whereas a flat structure could promote creativity but lack clear leadership.

Introducing the Team Topologies Framework

To address these challenges effectively, many organizations turn to the Team Topologies framework. Developed by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais, this framework provides a structured approach to designing and evolving team structures. Here’s why it’s particularly appropriate for planning team topologies:

Why Team Topologies Framework is Appropriate for the Situation

  1. Focus on Interaction Modes: The Team Topologies framework categorizes teams based on their interaction modes—such as stream-aligned teams, enabling teams, and complicated subsystems teams. This classification helps managers understand how different teams should collaborate and support each other to achieve organizational goals effectively.

  2. Evolvability and Scalability: It emphasizes the evolvability and scalability of team structures over time. This adaptability ensures that team topologies can grow and adjust as organizational needs evolve, supporting long-term sustainability and agility.

  3. Clear Roles and Responsibilities: The framework defines clear roles and responsibilities for each type of team, reducing ambiguity and ensuring that teams operate with clarity and purpose.

How to Use the Team Topologies Framework

Implementing the Team Topologies framework involves several key steps:

1. Assess Current State: Begin by assessing your organization’s current team structures, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Understand how teams currently interact and collaborate.

2. Define Interaction Modes:

  • Stream-Aligned Teams: These teams are aligned with the flow of value through the organization, often organized around specific products, services, or customer segments.

  • Enabling Teams: These teams provide supportive capabilities to other teams, such as platform teams, infrastructure teams, or shared services teams.

  • Complicated Subsystems Teams: These teams handle specialized or complex tasks that require deep expertise and focus.

3. Design Team Interactions: Determine how different teams should interact based on their roles and responsibilities. Foster collaboration between stream-aligned teams and enabling teams to ensure seamless support and innovation.

4. Plan for Evolution: Anticipate future organizational needs and changes. Develop a roadmap for evolving team structures over time, considering growth, market shifts, and technological advancements.

Examples of Applying the Team Topologies Framework

Example 1: Tech Startup Growth

Imagine a tech startup experiencing rapid growth. Initially, they had a single cross-functional team working on all aspects of product development. As they scale, they adopt the Team Topologies framework by:

  • Introducing stream-aligned teams focused on different product features or customer segments.

  • Establishing enabling teams for DevOps, infrastructure, and customer support to provide scalable support.

  • Setting up complicated subsystems teams for specialized tasks like machine learning or cybersecurity.

Example 2: Agile Transformation in a Large Enterprise

In a large enterprise undergoing an agile transformation, managers use the Team Topologies framework to:

  • Restructure from traditional functional silos to cross-functional teams aligned with business capabilities.

  • Implement enabling teams to support agile delivery with tools, automation, and shared services.

  • Define complicated subsystems teams for critical functions such as compliance, data analytics, or digital innovation.


Planning team topologies is a complex but essential aspect of organizational design. By leveraging the Team Topologies framework, managers can navigate these complexities effectively, fostering collaboration, innovation, and alignment with strategic goals. This structured approach not only optimizes team performance but also enhances organizational agility and resilience in a rapidly changing business landscape. Embracing the Team Topologies framework empowers managers to design teams that are not only efficient and effective but also adaptable to future challenges and opportunities.

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