Managers, Stop Allowing Work to Consume You After Hours

Do you struggle to close your email after hours? Are you up at night stressing about the next work day? Are you forgetting to prioritize areas of your life outside of work?

If so, you are not alone. Many professionals struggle to separate themselves from work after hours.

Winding down is a very important step to being successful. It is also very important to one's health. If you are constantly working until the moment you go to sleep it can have negative impacts on both your mental and physical health. 

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Importance of Winding Down 

Better Mental Health 

When your brain is constantly worrying about work, email, and tomorrow’s tasks, it becomes very mentally tolling. You will be mentally exhausted which can lead to burnout in the workplace, diminishing mental health, and lower overall productivity. 

Better Brain Power 

When you don't give your mind a rest at the end of the work day it will grow exhausted. If you’re checking your email right before bed you are going to have a harder time falling asleep which will negatively impact your quality of sleep. When you can wind down your brain can rest so it is much sharper and quicker the next day. 

Better Physical Health 

Carrying stress is hard on your body. When you do not wind down you hold your stress in your body. You will physically feel better if you can allow yourself to wind down or give yourself an outlet to relieve stress

Now that you know why separating yourself from work is so important you may be asking yourself how to do this. Luckily, there are many ways to wind down to suit just about everybody. 

Ways To Wind Down:

Winding down can look different for everybody. It is all about finding what works best for you. 

Create A Routine 

Create a wind-down routine for yourself after the workday. This too can vary depending on the person. It could be as simple as on your drive home from the office you begin the wind-down and then have 3 things you do as soon as you’re home that are not work-related.

Schedule Downtime

If you find it hard to find the time to separate yourself from work, put it into your schedule! Schedule 1 downtime activity per work day that you do as an activity for yourself. Allow this to be your ‘me time’. 

Turn Off Your Phone 

If you can, turn off your phone when you get home! When your email lives at your fingertips the urge to check in once you are home for the night can be hard to resist. By turning off your phone you alleviate this distraction. Turn off your phone as soon as you get home to help you not bring your workday into the home. 


Exercising is a great way to unwind from work for many reasons. Physical exercise releases endorphins which relieve stress and provide happiness. Physical exercise will also give you more energy in the long run. 

Have An Outlet You Enjoy

Having an outlet to release stress is so important for your physical and mental health. This can vary from listening to music to meditating or it could be having a friend over or going to do an activity. 

Limit Bed To Sleep Only 

Understandably, not everyone can turn their phone off once they get home. If that is the case ensure that you are not bringing your phone or laptop to bed with you at night. At least 30 minutes before bed avoid checking your phone or computer. Checking your phone or laptop before bed interrupts the body's natural production of melatonin thus making falling asleep harder and the quality of sleep worse. 

Other Stress Relieving Activities: 

  • Being in nature

  • Journaling 

  • Take a shower or bath in warm water 

  • Aromatherapy (Lavender is best)

  • Listen to music

  • Do something creative like painting or knitting 

  • Read a book 


Winding down can look different for everybody but it is vital to your career's longevity and your health that you find what works for you. You’re more likely to suffer burnout, stress, lower productivity, and health complications when you allow work to consume your entire life. Allow yourself to have hours of the day that are not related to your work. By doing so both your health, work, and personal life will benefit immensely.

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