19 Heartwarming Quotes About Coworkers Becoming Friends


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Have coworkers you grab happy hour with maybe a little too much? Do they make you more excited about work as soon as they walk through the door? Maybe they know more about you than even your own parents?

Having a stable job is great, but having amazing coworkers you can consider as friends is even better. Work doesn’t seem so much like work with them around. Challenges become more fun when you get to overcome them together. 

These quotes truly speak to the joys of coworkers becoming friends. 


No need for rivalry

I don't see any of my colleagues as rivals. I don't think our generation needs to do that. We are a chilled out lot, and we should all be happy.

- Shahid Kapoor

Riding towards success, together

Coming together is beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

- Henry Ford

Words from a legend

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. 

- Michael Jordan

People always say, “two brains are better than one”

None of us is as smart as all of us.

- Ken Blanchard

Like the saying goes, “behind every great man is a great woman”, or coworker in this case

There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others. 

- George Shinn

The power of wanting the other to succeed 

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. 

- Harry Truman

Forge grand ideas, together

Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than one where they sprang up.

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Power of multiple minds

Five guys on the court working together can achieve more than five talented individuals who come and go as individuals.

- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar


The potential

A trusty comrade is always of use; and a chronicler still more so.

 - Arthur Conan Doyle    

A common denominator

When I speak with people who love their jobs and have vital friendships at work, they always talk about how their workgroup is like a family. 

- Tom Rath

Solace in the workplace

When you have that respect from your teammates, it makes it a lot more comfortable.    

- LeBron James

Power of association

It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.     

- Warren Buffett

They bring light to the worst days

I never face Monday morning blues because of fun colleagues like you. Thank you! 

- Unknown

Laughter and fond memories is payment enough

I would totally hang out with you even if we weren’t paid. 

- Unknown

It was fate

Chance made us colleagues. Fun and laughter made us friends.

- Unknown 

All jokes aside

I’ve literally been here for two hours and I haven’t spoken to anybody. I’m so happy to see you, I could murder you.

- Shoshanna, Girls

They make you a better person

Motivation comes from working on things we care about. It also comes from working with people we care about.

- Sheryl Sandberg

Through thick and thin

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. 

- Oprah

Couldn’t ask for more

It’s a very special thing when you go and get to work with your best friend every day.

- Nick Frost

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