Template for a Follow-Up Email After a Performance Meeting


Managers, ever felt the post-meeting email blues? We get it – in the hustle and bustle of the professional world, nailing that follow-up email is your secret weapon. It's not just a nicety; it's a strategic powerhouse to lock in agreements, clear up expectations, and keep that teamwork vibe alive!

Get ready to dive into the art of crafting a post-performance meeting email that's more than just the usual pleasantries. We've got a killer template that covers everything – from wrapping up the talk to laying out the game plan for the next steps. Join us on this ride as we dig into addressing concerns, keeping the lines open, and setting the stage for a winning resolution.

Whether you're a pro in the game or just finding your feet, mastering the art of the follow-up email is a total game-changer. Let's team up on this adventure to polish your post-meeting communication skills and level up your ability to steer things in the right direction.

Template for a Follow-Up Email After a Performance Meeting


Follow-Up on Our Performance Meeting - Summary and Next Steps

Email body

Dear [Person 1],

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me to discuss issue A. It was valuable to have an open conversation and address the concerns at hand. As promised, I wanted to provide a summary of our discussion and outline the expectations moving forward.

Summary of the Meeting

  1. Issue A

    • Clearly, we discussed the challenges related to issue A, particularly focusing on [specific aspects discussed].

  2. Your Input

    • Your perspective on issue A was [describe their response]. Your insights were valuable in understanding the situation from your point of view.

  3. Agreements and Disagreements

    • We identified areas where we agree, such as [list agreements], and acknowledged the points where there might be differing opinions, like [list disagreements].

  4. Next Steps

    • Moving forward, we will be [specify any agreed-upon actions or changes]. This includes [list any specific tasks, deadlines, or modifications].

  5. Expectations

    • To ensure a smooth resolution, the following expectations have been established:

      • [List any expectations or commitments from both parties].

      • [Specify any ongoing communication plans or follow-up meetings].

Your Response

Your input during the meeting was crucial, and I appreciate your candidness. It's essential for us to work collaboratively to address the challenges at hand. If there are any additional thoughts or concerns that you'd like to share after reflecting on our discussion, please feel free to reach out. Open communication is key to our success in resolving this matter.

I look forward to our continued collaboration and appreciate your dedication to finding a resolution.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]


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