5 Sample Warning Letters to Employees for Excessive Talking

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Every office has that one person who goes on and on…. and on. While their input is valuable, there is a line managers must draw when the talking becomes excessive. 

Excessive talking in the office can result in:

  • Distraction: When someone in the office is constantly talking, the others around will be tempted to join in the conversation 

  • Worse Performance: If an employee is busy talking, they are not as focused on their tasks 

  • Annoyance: The employees who are trying to work around the excessive talking may grow irritated as the talking can make it harder to focus

  • Lower Morale: Excessive talking can make an employee seem lazy, rude, or unaware which is frustrating to the employees working nearby

  • Loss of Respect: The excessive talking may also come off as showboating and lead employees to lose respect for this person

A manager needs to remind the employees that the office is for working, not socializing. Giving employees a warning letter allows them to become aware of their behavior and also allows managers to store the warning on file to reference during promotions or termination. Below, we provide 3 examples of warning letters to give your employee varying in severity. 

3 Sample Warning Letters for Excessive Talking 

Sample Letter 1

Dear X,

I hope this letter finds you well. 

Your friendly personality and cheery attitude are one of the many reasons why we are so fond of you. You are a friend to all in the office. However, I must remind you that there is a time and place to chat with your coworkers. Excessive talking can hurt your performance as well as the performance of your coworkers as they become distracted. 

Please take this as a polite warning to work on your talking habits in the workplace. 

With Thanks,



This warning letter would be most appropriate for a coworker who is non-offensively engaging in excessive conversation. This is a polite, assertive reminder that the workplace is for working and professionalism. This is most appropriate for the first warning of an employee. 

Sample Letter 2 

Dear X, 

It has come to my attention that you are engaging in informal personal conversations in the workplace with co-workers. It has been reported that on <INSERT DATE>  you engaged in offensive language with a coworker regarding a personal matter. 

As per company policy, engaging with coworkers on personal issues is prohibited in the office. As a company we expect every employee to act with integrity and professionalism. Please be aware of the language you are using around the office. In the future, inappropriate language and engaging in personal matters will not be tolerated. This is a formal warning that strict action will be taken if the offense is repeated. 




This warning letter is for an employee who has engaged in offensive personal conversations in the workplace numerous times. It gives the employee notice that if there is not an immediate behavior change, there will be consequences. 

Sample Letter 3

Dear X,

This is an official warning letter for violation of company policy as outlined in the employee handbook. I have been made aware by your manager that you have been warned numerous times verbally about excessive talking in the workplace with your co-workers. I’ve observed that this behavior has not subsided, despite multiple warnings that the company does not tolerate this kind of behavior. 

The company policy has considered several factors to create a fair, inclusive, and productive work environment for all employees. The talkative behavior suggests you are engaging in unimportant matters instead of working. This is unprofessional, impacts the employees around you, and hurts the entire workplace's productivity. 

Since you have already received verbal warnings you are being placed on a 3-month observation period. During this time we will observe your behavior and your performance. If there is no improvement in your unnecessary talking there will be immediate disciplinary action taken against you. In that case, you may face suspension or termination. This is your final warning to change your behavior. 

Having said this, you are a great addition to our company and we believe in your capabilities. We expect immediate improvement in your behavior so you can continue to be an asset to the company. We look forward to seeing the improved behavior. 

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns. 


Your CEO 


This is a warning letter for an employee who has already received multiple warnings. This letter is a final warning before disciplinary action is taken. Putting an employee under observation signals an urgent need for behavior change. This warning letter would not be appropriate for an employee's first offense. 

Sample Letter 4

Dear X,

I hope you are doing well. As you know, you are a friend to all here at the office. However, I have noticed on these occasions ____ that your discussions have been non-work related. I know we have discussed this issue previously and were able to find a solution. I want to remind you again that off-topic conversations in the workplace can deter the productivity of your peers. I hope we can find a similar solution to this issue to avoid a more serious conversation. 




This letter is meant for when the talking resurfaces again after it has previously come to an end. It can be difficult for people who enjoy socializing to end that habit in the workplace. This letter is meant for less serious instances and more for people who just enjoy chatting with their coworkers rather than those who instigate negativity and anger with their words. 

Sample Letter 5

Dear X, 

I hope this letter finds you well. It has come to my attention that your conversations in the workplace regarding work-related issues are extremely negative in their tone. I am concerned that these negative opinions regarding our office and tasks are going to decrease the productivity of the team. I am urging you to find a more positive outlook to share with your teammates and encourage them more frequently. 




This letter is meant for the employee who is always being pessimistic and unenthused about work-related topics. When an employee is excessively making negative comments about work, this will decrease their own productivity and the mood of everyone around them. This behavior needs to be addressed immediately and can be done effectively with a letter.


Warning letters can vary in severity. A warning letter can be casual for the first offense as seen in the first example or it can be the last chance for the employee to change their behavior as seen in the third example. Placing warnings in writing is important because it allows you to have the letter on file and reference it in the future if necessary. In the warning letters, be sure to reference the specific events and the reason excessive talking in the workplace is harmful. Warning letters are the best way to communicate directly with employees. 

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