PURSUE: 6 Criteria That Defines Top Talent

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I’ve come up with a 6-step checklist to help you hire talent for your business. It goes by the acronym PURSUE:

  • Persistence

  • Uphold commitments

  • Remain proactive

  • Set high standards

  • Use efficiency

  • Ensure attention to detail


What is it?

Demonstrates tenacity and willingness to go the distance to get something done.

Persistence done well

Never gives up. Sticks with assignments until they are done.

Persistence done poorly

Has a track record of giving up.

Why does persistence make a difference?

There are several potential reasons why this is the case. Here are some of them:

  • Persistence helps you overcome challenges and obstacles that may hinder your progress towards your goal. When you encounter difficulties, you do not give up easily, but instead, you look for solutions and alternative ways to achieve your desired outcome.

  • Persistence also helps you learn from your failures and mistakes, and use them as feedback to improve your performance and strategies.

  • Persistence helps you maintain your focus and motivation on your goal. When you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, you are less likely to be distracted by irrelevant or tempting things that may divert your attention or energy.

  • Persistence also helps you develop a positive attitude and mindset that enables you to cope with stress and setbacks, and to appreciate the value of hard work and effort.

  • Persistence helps you develop your skills and abilities that are necessary for success. When you persist in pursuing your goal, you are constantly challenging yourself to grow and improve. You seek feedback, advice, and guidance from others who can help you achieve your goal. You also practice and refine your skills and abilities until you master them.

  • Persistence also helps you discover and unleash your potential and talents that may otherwise remain hidden or dormant.

Inspirational stories around persistence

There are many real life anecdotes of how superhuman persistence led to amazing success. Here are some examples:

  • Jack Canfield, the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, faced over 130 rejections from different publishers before his book was finally accepted by a small publisher in Florida. Now, there are over 250 Chicken Soup for the Soul books and over 500 million copies sold worldwide.

  • Ray Croc, the founder of McDonald's, was a struggling milkshake machine salesman who was over 50 years old when he discovered a small burger joint run by two brothers. He saw the potential of their business and persuaded them to let him franchise it. He faced many challenges and risks, but he never gave up on his vision of creating a global fast-food empire. He eventually bought out the brothers and turned McDonald's into one of the most successful and recognizable brands in the world.

  • J.K. Rowling, the author of the **Harry Potter** series, was a single mother living on welfare when she wrote her first novel. She faced many hardships and rejections, but she never stopped writing and believing in her story. She finally found a publisher who agreed to print 1,000 copies of her book, which became an instant bestseller and spawned a multi-billion dollar franchise.

How to motivate employees to be persistent

Fostering a Growth Mindset

"Hello team, I want to emphasize the importance of a growth mindset. Being persistent means facing challenges head-on and not giving up when things get tough. It's about viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth. I encourage you to embrace challenges and see them as a chance to develop your skills and knowledge. As you work on your assignments, remember that persistence is the key to success. Keep pushing forward until you've achieved your goals, and you'll find that your efforts pay off."

Support and Encouragement

"Hi there, I want to acknowledge the effort you've been putting into your work. Persistence is a valuable trait, and I appreciate your commitment. I understand that there will be obstacles and moments of frustration, but I'm here to support you. If you encounter difficulties or need guidance, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's work together to overcome any challenges you face. Your determination and persistence are what will lead us to success."

Setting Clear Goals

"Hello, I want to stress the importance of setting clear and achievable goals. When you have a clear roadmap, it's easier to stay persistent. Define your objectives and break them down into manageable steps. By setting milestones and tracking your progress, you'll have a sense of direction that can boost your persistence. Remember, each completed assignment brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal."

Providing Guidance and Mentorship

"Hello, we've noticed that there have been instances of giving up on assignments. It's essential to address this issue and provide support. If you find yourself struggling or feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to seek guidance from your colleagues or mentors. Together, we can work on strategies to help you stay persistent and overcome challenges."

Understanding the Importance

"Team, it's important to recognize that persistence is a key factor in our success. If you've had a track record of giving up on tasks, it's essential to understand the impact this can have on our projects and the team as a whole. By acknowledging the importance of persistence, you can start to make the necessary changes to improve your approach."

Setting Realistic Expectations

"Hi there, let's work on setting realistic expectations. Sometimes, giving up may stem from overwhelming workloads or unattainable goals. We can adjust your assignments and goals to ensure they are manageable and aligned with your capabilities. This way, you'll be more likely to persist and achieve success."

How to assess during the interview

Here are some good behavioral questions to assess one’s persistence:

  • Tell me a time when you solved a difficult problem. How did you approach it? How did you solve it? What was the outcome?

  • Give me an example of a goal you set for yourself. How did you approach it? How did you solve it? What was the outcome?

  • Tell me a time when you had to learn a new skill. How did you approach it? How did you solve it? What was the outcome?

Uphold commitments

What is it?

Lives up to verbal and written agreements, regardless of personal cost.

Committing done well

Gets the job done, no matter what.

Committing done poorly

Does not live up to verbal or written agreements.

Why does being committed make a difference?

Here are some potential reasons why being committed is the number 2 trait for success:

  • Being committed helps you to focus on your priorities and avoid distractions that might derail your progress. You are more likely to stick to your plans and follow through on your actions when you are committed to your outcomes.

  • Being committed motivates you to learn new skills, acquire new knowledge, and seek feedback that can improve your performance. You are more likely to embrace challenges and opportunities for growth when you are committed to your development.

  • Being committed fosters a positive attitude and a growth mindset that can help you overcome setbacks and failures. You are more likely to view difficulties as learning experiences and not give up when you are committed to your success.

  • Being committed builds trust and credibility with others who can support you in your endeavors. You are more likely to attract and retain loyal customers, partners, investors, and employees when you are committed to your values and vision.

Inspirational stories around commitment

Some real life anecdotes of how superhuman commitment to oneself or others led to amazing success are:

  • Deepika Kurup, a young Indian girl who was appalled by the lack of clean water in her ancestral village, decided to invent a low-cost solar-powered water purification system. She won several awards and grants for her innovation, including the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge and the National Geographic Explorer Award. She also founded a social enterprise called Catalyst for World Water to bring her solution to more people in need.

  • Wim Hof, a Dutch adventurer and extreme athlete who is also known as "The Iceman", developed a method of breathing, meditation, and cold exposure that enabled him to withstand extreme temperatures and boost his immune system. He holds several world records for feats such as running a marathon in the Arctic Circle barefoot, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, and swimming under ice for 66 meters. He also teaches his method to thousands of people who want to improve their health and well-being.

  • Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who survived a Taliban assassination attempt when she was 15 years old, dedicated her life to fighting for girls' education and human rights. She co-founded the Malala Fund, a global organization that supports girls' education projects in developing countries. She also became the youngest person ever to address the United Nations and the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

How to motivate employees to uphold commitments

"I want to have an honest conversation about commitment and accountability. It's important to acknowledge when commitments are not met, whether they were verbal or written. When someone fails to live up to their agreements, it can disrupt our workflow and impact our team's success. I believe in open and constructive feedback, so if you've struggled with keeping your commitments, it's essential that we address this issue together. Let's discuss what obstacles you're facing and what support you need to improve your commitment level. We can work together to ensure you meet our expectations and contribute to our team's success."

How to assess during the interview

Here’s our favorite question for assessing one’s commitment to oneself or others:

  • Tell me about a time when you made a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others. What was the situation? What did you do? How did it affect you and others?

Remain proactive

What is it?

Acts without being told what to do. Brings new ideas to company.

Done well

Regularly brings new ideas into an organization. Self directed.

Done poorly

Never brings in new ideas. Takes direction / does not act until being told.

Why does being proactive make a difference?

Some potential reasons why being proactive can lead to positive outcomes are:

  • Being proactive means taking ownership of your actions and decisions, instead of making excuses or blaming external factors. This can help you overcome obstacles, find solutions, and achieve your goals more effectively. Taking ownership also shows that you are responsible, accountable, and committed to your work.

  • Being proactive means seeking opportunities and initiating change, instead of waiting for things to happen or following the status quo. This can help you stand out from the crowd, showcase your unique selling point, and create value for yourself and others. Seeking opportunities also shows that you are innovative, creative, and adaptable to changing environments.

  • Being proactive means anticipating future needs and challenges, instead of reacting to them after they occur. This can help you prepare for potential scenarios, plan ahead, and avoid pitfalls. Anticipating future needs also shows that you are strategic, foresighted, and proactive in learning.

Being proactive can also have some drawbacks. For example, being proactive may not be appreciated or rewarded in some organizations. Being proactive may also backfire if it is done without considering the consequences, the stakeholders, or the feedback.

Inspirational stories around commitment

Some real life anecdotes of how superhuman proactivity led to amazing success are:

  • Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, a billion-dollar company that sells shapewear and other clothing items. She was proactive in creating her own product, patenting it, and marketing it to various retailers, without any formal business training or investors. She also proactively sought feedback from customers and improved her products accordingly. She is now one of the world’s richest self-made women.

  • Oprah Winfrey, the media mogul, philanthropist, and cultural icon. She was proactive in overcoming her childhood trauma, poverty, and discrimination, and pursuing her passion for broadcasting. She also proactively created her own production company, network, magazine, and book club, and used her platform to empower and inspire millions of people around the world. She is now one of the world’s most influential and wealthy women.

  • Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. He was proactive in fighting against apartheid, a system of racial segregation and oppression in his country. He also proactively endured 27 years of imprisonment, forgave his enemies, and led his nation to democracy and reconciliation. He is now revered as one of the world’s most courageous and compassionate leaders.

How to assess during the interview

Here’s our favorite question for assessing one’s proactivity:

  • Tell me about a time when you took initiative to improve a work process. How did you identify the need for improvement? What steps did you take to implement the change? What was the outcome?

Set high standards

What is it?

Expects personal performance and team performance to be the best.

Done well

Expects top performance from himself and from others around him.

Done poorly

Allows himself to do 80% of the job and/or lets poor performance from others slide.

Why does having high standards make a difference?

Having high standards is a trait that can contribute to success in various ways. Here are some possible reasons why:

  • Having high standards can motivate oneself and others to perform better and achieve more. When we set high standards for ourselves, we challenge ourselves to improve our skills, knowledge, and abilities. We also inspire others to follow our example and raise their own standards. This can create a positive feedback loop of continuous improvement and excellence.

  • Having high standards can also enhance our reputation and credibility. When we consistently deliver high-quality work, products, or services, we demonstrate our competence, professionalism, and reliability. We also show that we care about our customers, clients, or stakeholders and their needs and expectations. This can build trust, loyalty, and respect among our peers, partners, and customers.

  • Having high standards can also foster a growth mindset. When we have high standards, we are more likely to seek feedback, learn from mistakes, and embrace challenges. We also recognize that success is not a fixed outcome, but a process of learning and development. We are more open to new opportunities, perspectives, and possibilities. This can help us adapt to changing circumstances, overcome obstacles, and achieve our goals.

How to motivate employees to have high standards

Reminder to have high standards

“Hi team, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication. I also want to remind you that we have a high standard for our product quality. We want to deliver the best value to our customers and exceed their expectations. That’s why I always check every detail of our products before they go out. I expect you to do the same. Please review your work carefully and make sure there are no errors or defects. If you need any help or feedback, please let me know. I appreciate your cooperation and commitment to excellence.”

Encouraging high standards by learning from mistakes

“Hi Tom, I want to give you some feedback on your presentation yesterday. You did a good job of explaining the main points and answering the questions. However, I noticed that you were nervous and hesitant at some moments. You also missed some important details and data that could have strengthened your argument. I think you have the potential to become a great presenter, but you need to work on your confidence and communication skills. I suggest that you take this online course on presentation skills that I found very helpful. I also recommend that you practice your presentation with me or a colleague before you deliver it to the audience. I believe that with some effort and guidance, you can improve your performance and meet the high standards we have for our team.”

Show appreciation to maintain or exceed high standards

“Hi Jane, I want to congratulate you on your outstanding performance in the last quarter. You exceeded your sales target by 20%, and you received rave reviews from your clients. You have shown exceptional skills, initiative, and creativity in your work. You are a valuable asset to our team and our company. As a token of my appreciation, I have decided to give you a 10% raise and a chance to lead a new project. I hope you enjoy these rewards and continue to deliver high-quality work.”

Help them find meaning as a way to maintain or increase standards

“Hi Lisa, I want to talk to you about your career goals and how I can support you. What are you passionate about? What do you enjoy doing most in your work? What do you want to achieve or become in the future? How do you think your work contributes to our team’s mission and vision? I want to understand what motivates you and what makes you happy in your work. I also want to help you align your work with your personal goals and values. This way, you can find more meaning and fulfillment in your work, and also maintain your high standards.”

Inspirational stories around high standards

Some real-life anecdotes of how superhuman proactivity led to amazing success are:

  • Sylvester Stallone, the famous actor and filmmaker, who endured seven years of struggle, poverty, and rejection before he got his big break with his script and role in Rocky. He had such high standards for his vision that he refused to sell his script unless he could play the lead role, even when he was offered $360,000 for it. He also sold his dog for $25 because he couldn’t afford to feed him, but later bought him back for $15,000 after he made his first movie.

  • Helen Keller, the renowned author, activist, and lecturer, who became deaf and blind at the age of 19 months due to a mysterious illness. She learned to communicate with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, who taught her how to use touch, smell, and taste to perceive the world. She also learned how to read, write, and speak several languages. She became the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree and wrote 12 books and numerous articles. She also campaigned for social causes such as women’s suffrage, labor rights, and world peace.

  • Walt Disney, the legendary animator, filmmaker, and entrepreneur, who created some of the most beloved characters and stories in entertainment history. He was a high school dropout who pursued his artistic dreams with little formal training or support. He faced bankruptcy, betrayal, criticism, and failure several times in his career. He also overcame health problems, labor disputes, and World War II. He built a media empire that includes animation studios, theme parks, television networks, and merchandise. He also won 22 Academy Awards and left a lasting legacy of imagination and innovation.

How to assess during the interview

Here’s our favorite question for assessing one’s standards:

  • Tell me a time when you exceed the expectations of your manager. Why did you do that? And how do you achieve it?

  • Give me an example where a co-worker told you to lower your standards. How did you manage the situation?

Use efficiency

What is it?

Able to produce significant output with minimal wasted effort.

Done well

Candidate gets a lot done in a short period of time.

Done poorly

Candidate’s output is unimpressive. He is a “thinker” with poor execution.

Why does being efficient make a difference?

Being efficient can have several potential benefits for success, such as:

  • Efficiency can help produce more output with the same or fewer inputs. This can lead to higher profits, better quality, and faster delivery.

  • Efficiency can also enhance customer loyalty and retention by meeting or exceeding their expectations. Customers are more likely to be satisfied with a service or a product that is delivered on time, within budget, and with high standards. A report by the World Economic Forum showed that happy employees, who are more likely to be efficient, have a positive impact on customer satisfaction and firm performance.

  • Efficiency can also prevent or reduce stress and burnout by eliminating unnecessary work, streamlining processes, and optimizing resources. This can improve the well-being and morale of workers, as well as their creativity and innovation.

How to motivate employees to be efficient

Performance Recognition and Rewards

Implement a performance recognition program that rewards employees for their efficiency and productivity achievements. Recognize individuals or teams who consistently demonstrate efficient work practices or achieve significant productivity gains. Rewards can range from monetary bonuses, gift cards, or additional time off to public recognition during team meetings or company-wide announcements. By tying recognition and rewards directly to efficiency, employees are incentivized to prioritize productivity and seek opportunities for streamlining processes.

Continuous Improvement Culture

Foster a culture of continuous improvement where employees are encouraged to identify inefficiencies and suggest process improvements. Establish regular forums or brainstorming sessions where teams can openly discuss challenges they face in their workflows and collaborate on solutions. Encourage employees to experiment with new tools, technologies, or methodologies that could enhance efficiency. Recognize and celebrate successful implementations of efficiency improvements, highlighting the impact on productivity and organizational goals. By empowering employees to actively contribute to making processes more efficient, you create a sense of ownership and engagement that drives continuous improvement efforts.

Training and Development Opportunities

Invest in training and development programs that equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to work more efficiently. Offer workshops, seminars, or online courses focused on time management, task prioritization, workflow optimization, and utilization of productivity tools/software. Provide opportunities for employees to learn from internal experts or external trainers who specialize in efficiency-related topics. Additionally, encourage cross-training and knowledge sharing among teams to leverage best practices and insights from different areas of the organization. By investing in employees' professional development and equipping them with the tools and techniques to work more efficiently, you empower them to maximize their productivity and contribute to organizational success.

Inspirational stories around being efficient

  • Henry Ford was an American industrialist who revolutionized the automobile industry with his mass production methods. He introduced the assembly line, a system of conveyor belts that moved parts and workers along a fixed sequence of tasks, reducing the time and cost of making cars. He also paid his workers higher wages and reduced their working hours, creating a loyal and efficient workforce. His Model T car became the first affordable and popular vehicle for millions of Americans, transforming the transportation and social landscape of the country.

  • Adam Smith was a Scottish economist and philosopher who is considered the father of modern economics. He wrote The Wealth of Nations, which advocated for free trade, market competition, and individual self-interest as the drivers of economic growth and prosperity. He also introduced the concept of the division of labor, which is the specialization of workers in different tasks to increase efficiency and output. He used the example of a pin factory, where 10 workers could produce 48,000 pins per day by dividing the work into 18 distinct operations, compared to 20 pins per day if each worker did all the operations by himself.

  • James Watt was a Scottish engineer and inventor who improved the efficiency and power of the steam engine, which was the key technology of the Industrial Revolution. He devised a separate condenser that reduced the waste of steam and fuel, and a rotary motion that enabled the engine to drive machinery in factories and mills. He also invented the unit of power, the watt, and partnered with Matthew Boulton to manufacture and sell his engines across Britain and Europe. His innovations boosted the productivity and profitability of various industries, such as mining, textiles, and transportation.

How to assess during the interview

Here’s our favorite question for assessing one’s efficiency:

  • Tell me a time when you streamlined a process to meet a difficult deadline.

Ensure attention to detail

What is it?

Does not let important details slip through the cracks or derail a project.

Done well

Makes time to review the details. Asks penetrating questions.

Done poorly

Makes many mistakes because of ignoring small details.

Why does ensuring attention to detail make a difference?

There are several potential reasons why attention to detail is a top trait including:

  • Attention to detail helps produce consistent, high-quality work that meets the standards and expectations of customers, clients, and supervisors. This can lead to positive feedback, recognition, and promotion.

  • Attention to detail reduces the likelihood of errors, which can save time, money, and resources. Errors can cause delays, rework, waste, and dissatisfaction. By avoiding errors, attention to detail can improve efficiency and productivity.

  • Attention to the detail minimizes confusion, conflict, and misinterpretation. This can foster a collaborative spirit and a harmonious atmosphere.

  • Attention to detail improves problem-solving skills. By paying attention to the finer points, one can identify the root causes of problems, generate alternative solutions, and evaluate the pros and cons of each option.

  • Attention to detail demonstrates professionalism, reliability, and trustworthiness. By showing attention to detail, one can convey a positive image of oneself and the organization. This can help build rapport and reputation with stakeholders and partners.

How to motivate employees to have high standards

Recognition and Appreciation

Regularly acknowledge and appreciate individuals or teams who demonstrate exceptional attention to detail. Whether it's a simple shoutout during a team meeting or a more formal recognition program, highlighting the importance of meticulousness can reinforce its value within the organization.

Setting Clear Expectations

Clearly communicate the standards and expectations regarding attention to detail for each task or project. Providing specific guidelines and examples can help employees understand the level of meticulousness required and strive to meet or exceed those expectations.

Leading by Example

As a leader, demonstrate a commitment to attention to detail in your own work and decision-making processes. Your actions set the tone for the team, and by prioritizing meticulousness, you inspire others to do the same.

Inspirational stories around having attention to detail

  • Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential Renaissance man, was renowned for his meticulous attention to detail in his paintings, sculptures, inventions, and scientific studies. He spent years observing and recording the natural world, from human anatomy to animal behavior to plant morphology. He also experimented with various techniques and materials, such as perspective, shading, oil paint, and fresco. One of his most famous works, the Mona Lisa, is a masterpiece of detail, with subtle expressions, intricate landscapes, and hidden symbols. He began painting it in 1503 and continued to work on it until his death in 1519.

  • Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the greatest composers of all time, composed hundreds of works for various instruments and ensembles, ranging from solo keyboard pieces to cantatas to oratorios. He was known for his mastery of counterpoint, harmony, melody, and form. He paid attention to every note, chord, motif, and voice in his music, creating complex and beautiful structures that expressed his faith and emotions. He also invented new musical techniques and genres, such as the fugue and the well-tempered tuning system. His attention to detail influenced generations of musicians and listeners.

  • Jane Austen, one of the most celebrated novelists in English literature, wrote six novels that depict the lives and manners of the British gentry in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. She was famous for her witty dialogue, realistic characters, ironic humor, and social commentary. She paid attention to every word, sentence, paragraph, and chapter in her novels, revising them several times before publication. She also paid attention to every detail of her characters' personalities, relationships, actions, and motivations, creating complex and believable portraits of human nature.

  • Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, transformed health care with her dedication and expertise. She served as a nurse during the Crimean War, where she observed and improved the conditions of wounded soldiers. She paid attention to every detail of their hygiene, nutrition, sanitation, and morale. She also paid attention to every detail of their statistics, collecting and analyzing data on mortality rates, infections, and treatments. She used charts and graphs to present her findings and advocate for reforms. Her attention to detail saved countless lives and established nursing as a respected profession.

How to assess during the interview

Here are our favorite questions for assessing one’s attention to detail:

  • Tell me about a time when you had to review or check the work of others. How did you go about doing that? What feedback did you give them?

  • Tell me a time when you caught a detail that others missed. Why was it important? Why did others miss it? And how did you catch it?

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