Best Readings on Performance Reviews

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Another Roadblock for Women: Performance Reviews

Here’s the key quote from the article:

According to a review of more than 200 performance reviews from four companies done by Correll and Stanford colleague Caroline Simard, 57% of women got vague-sounding praise on their reviews, compared with 43% of men. And 60% of men had their feedback tied to business outcomes, while only 40% of women did.

The Real Impact on Employees of Removing Performance Ratings

Gartner’s article posits that HR leaders remove performance ratings with the best of intentions: namely to improve employee morale and the hope of better manager to employee conversations.

However, they argue that “removing ratings rarely works.” They argue that managers no longer feel motivated to have feedback conversations, depriving employees of clear expectations, performance conversations, and opportunities for rewards and recognition. Furthermore, there’s less pay differentiation, leading employees to believe there’s little correlation between contribution and pay.

3 tips for acing your end-of-year performance review

This article from CNBC offers three tips on doing well with your performance review: taking time to reflect, inquire about how to get to the next level, and follow up.

17 Mind-blowing Statistics on Performance Reviews and Employee Engagement

Clear Company features 17 stats and quotes re: performance reviews and employee engagement.

Stop Dreading Performance Reviews

Ann Howell discusses her five best practices, most of which center around giving feedback frequently.


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