Google's New, Controversial Performance Review System: What You Need to Know [2022]

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A recent blog post on Blind alleges that Google has implemented a new performance review system that is particularly harsh on Nooglers (new Google employees) and those who have recently transferred teams.

The system, which is based on "impact," includes a quota for managers to fill in the bottom two ranks. This will hit new and recently transferred employees the hardest.

This warning is known as a "support check-in" (SCI) and is reportedly being used liberally, with some employees receiving SCIs for seemingly arbitrary reasons. Some employees are reportedly getting SCI performance warnings for asking questions on team chat instead of searching the Intranet.

If you’re thinking of applying to Google, you might want to think twice. Google’s work culture is evolving and whatever assumptions you have about the Google of old may no longer exist. Talk to current or recently departed employees to get a more accurate perspective on what it’s like to work at Google now.

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