The Manager Superpower: Leadership

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As a manager, you are expected to run a team of employees to complete their tasks, maintain high morale, and grow the company. One must learn to develop their toolkit of skills, especially leadership, to make strides at crucial company milestones. Expanding your leadership abilities comes from getting to know yourself more through reflection and understanding how you react to specific situations and the influence it has over others.

What is the Difference Between Management and Leadership?

Often, management and leadership are used interchangeably, but they do not have the same meaning or connotation. Management tends to exhibit control and direction. This can be seen in the planning of tasks or making big decisions on behalf of the company. Think of management as the board of directors. They interact by making decisions about an inanimate object, the company itself. Leadership tends to be more positive in a sense and focuses on influence. Leaders influence people and compel them to make choices and direct their actions in a specific way. Leaders tend to appeal more to individuals instead of management which focuses more on dictation, meaning telling groups of people what to do at work. This means leaders must have strong people skills and be able to communicate effectively and appropriately with others. 

Why Is It Important to Lead Your Employees?

Leadership, through its emotional appeal to individuals, can allow teams of employees to reach large goals and grow within their roles. Leaders tend to inspire others, meaning a manager can use their leadership abilities to unite the group towards the company values and projects. A leader can use their language in a way that appeals directly to team members and what they respond to best. Leadership allows your employees to be more engaged within the team, as they feel more emotionally invested in the team itself or the project, which can lead to increased productivity. In addition, if employees feel they are under strong leadership, they will be more likely to stay at the company, which will increase retention rates. 

How Can A Manager Improve Their Leadership Skills?

Being an effective leader requires a lot of self-reflection to understand how one’s behavior and emotions can affect others. Consider the following questions and take time to develop answers to them regarding your own leadership style.

  • How do I respond to stressful situations at work and in my personal life?

  • How do I react to good news as well as bad news?

  • How do I communicate with others when I am feeling overwhelmed?

  • How well do I know each of the employees on my team?

  • Do my employees respond well to my current leadership style?

  • How can I learn more about my employees’ tendencies to best present them with information and unite the team?

  • Does the team have a strong relationship?

All these questions revolve around one thing: reactions. People have different reactions based on their emotions and motivations. Taking time to get to know the employees and their reactions can help best tailor your leadership needs, which requires appealing to each employee. In addition, seek the help of the employees to understand their needs. Sending out a survey asking the employees how your leadership style can be improved helps show your desire to be the best leader for them. 


Being an effective leader requires understanding yourself. Changing your leadership can take time. Take note of what your employees respond well to and what they don’t respond to. As you are growing your leadership abilities, spend time journaling new ideas and reflecting on the current situation. This will lead you to a greater understanding of yourself and prepare you to make changes for the betterment of the team.

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