How to Coach Employees on Continuous Learning

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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, continuous learning is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Equipping employees with the skills and knowledge to adapt to changing trends, technologies, and market demands is crucial for organizational success. However, as a manager, coaching employees on continuous learning can be a tricky endeavor.

The Challenges of Coaching Continuous Learning Encouraging a mindset of lifelong learning among employees is often easier said than done. Time constraints, varied learning styles, lack of motivation, and resource limitations are just a few of the hurdles managers face. Employees may view learning initiatives as an additional burden or perceive them as disconnected from their immediate roles or career aspirations.

Moreover, managers must lead by example, embodying a commitment to their own professional development while effectively communicating the long-term benefits of continuous learning. Measuring the impact of such initiatives on individual and organizational performance can also be a challenge.

The 70:20:10 Framework: A Holistic Approach To navigate these complexities, managers can leverage the power of the 70:20:10 framework. This approach provides a structured and well-rounded strategy for designing and implementing effective learning and development initiatives.

What is the 70:20:10 Framework

The 70:20:10 framework suggests that learning occurs through three main channels:

  • 70% - Experiential Learning (Learning from job-related experiences)

  • 20% - Social Learning (Learning from others, such as mentoring or coaching)

  • 10% - Formal Learning (Learning through structured courses or training programs)

Why is it Appropriate for Continuous Learning? The 70:20:10 framework aligns with how people naturally learn and reinforces the application of new knowledge and skills in real-world situations. By emphasizing practical, on-the-job experiences, social interactions, and formal training, this approach caters to diverse learning preferences and fosters a holistic learning experience.

Additionally, the framework allows for flexibility and customization based on individual developmental needs and organizational goals, making it an effective tool for promoting continuous learning at all levels.

How to Implement the 70:20:10 Framework

  1. Experiential Learning (70%):

    • Provide challenging assignments or job rotations that stretch employees' skills.

    • Encourage them to take on new responsibilities or roles that require learning on the job.

    • Facilitate opportunities for reflection and feedback loops to maximize learning from experiences.

  2. Social Learning (20%):

    • Establish mentoring programs that pair experienced employees with those seeking growth.

    • Encourage knowledge-sharing sessions, communities of practice, or peer-to-peer coaching.

    • Foster an environment that promotes open feedback and continuous improvement.

  3. Formal Learning (10%):

    • Identify relevant training programs, workshops, or online courses aligned with organizational and individual learning goals.

    • Provide access to educational resources, such as books, journals, or e-learning platforms.

    • Encourage employees to attend conferences, seminars, or industry events to expand their knowledge and network.

Sample Dialogue

SARA: Hi Alex, thanks for meeting with me today. I wanted to discuss your professional development and how we can foster a culture of continuous learning within our team.

ALEX: Sure, Sara. I'm always open to learning and growing, but finding the time and resources can be a challenge.

SARA: I understand that concern, Alex. That's why I'd like to introduce you to the 70:20:10 framework for learning and development. It provides a well-rounded approach that aligns with how we naturally learn and acquire new skills.

ALEX: The 70:20:10 framework? I'm not familiar with that, could you explain it further?

SARA: Absolutely. The framework suggests that learning occurs through three main channels: 70% from on-the-job experiences, 20% from social learning like mentoring and feedback, and 10% from formal training or coursework.

ALEX: Okay, that makes sense. Hands-on experience and learning from others have always been valuable for me.

SARA: Exactly. So, let's start with the 70% experiential learning component. I'd like you to take the lead on our upcoming digital marketing campaign. It will stretch your skills in strategy, analytics, and campaign execution, providing valuable learning experiences.

ALEX: That sounds like a great opportunity. I'm excited to take on that challenge.

SARA: For the 20% social learning aspect, I'll pair you with our senior digital marketer, Samantha. She can mentor you throughout the process, sharing her expertise and providing feedback.

ALEX: Having Samantha's guidance will be invaluable. I'm looking forward to learning from her experiences.

SARA: Absolutely. And for the 10% formal learning, I've enrolled you in an online digital marketing certification course. The course materials and assessments will reinforce the concepts you'll be applying in practice.

ALEX: That's perfect. Having that structured learning component will complement the hands-on experience and mentoring.

SARA: Precisely. And remember, continuous learning is an ongoing process. We'll regularly review your progress, identify areas for further development, and adjust our approach as needed.

ALEX: I appreciate you taking a structured and well-rounded approach to my professional development, Sara. The 70:20:10 framework seems like an effective way to facilitate continuous learning while still focusing on my regular work responsibilities.

SARA: That's the goal, Alex. By leveraging all three learning channels, we can ensure you're continuously expanding your skills and knowledge, ultimately benefiting both you and the entire team.

In this dialogue, the manager Sara introduces the 70:20:10 framework to Alex and outlines how it will be applied to his professional development. She provides opportunities for experiential learning through a challenging digital marketing campaign, social learning through mentorship with a senior colleague, and formal learning through an online certification course. The manager emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, regular progress reviews, and adaptability to ensure Alex's ongoing growth and success.


Continuous Commitment and Adaptation Implementing the 70:20:10 framework is an ongoing process that requires continuous commitment and adaptation. Managers should regularly assess the effectiveness of their learning and development initiatives, gather feedback from employees, and make adjustments as needed.

By embracing the 70:20:10 approach, managers can create a culture of continuous learning that empowers employees to grow, adapt, and thrive in an ever-changing business environment. Investing in employee development not only enhances individual performance but also drives organizational success and fosters a future-ready workforce.

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