A Guide to ManageBetter’s Integration with Workday

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The integration between Workday and ManageBetter aims to streamline employee data management, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. By connecting Workday, a leading HRIS, with ManageBetter, a robust performance review platform, companies can simplify HR processes and improve overall productivity.

Key Benefits

  • Improved Efficiency: Eliminate manual data entry and reduce administrative overhead.

  • Data Accuracy: Maintain consistent and accurate employee records across both platforms.

  • Enhanced Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports that combine data from Workday and ManageBetter.

  • Automation: Automate tasks such as onboarding, performance reviews, and data synchronization.

Features and Functionality

  • Data Syncing: Automatically sync employee data such as names, email addresses, job titles, start dates, departments, managers, and more.

  • User Management: Manage user access and permissions via Workday.

  • Onboarding and Offboarding: Streamline onboarding and offboarding processes with synchronized data.

  • Performance Management: Integrate performance data from ManageBetter for comprehensive reviews and assessments.

Technical Details

  • Integration Architecture: Secure data flow between Workday and ManageBetter, ensuring seamless communication and data integrity.

  • APIs and Endpoints: Utilizes Workday’s API for data retrieval and ManageBetter’s API for data updates.

  • Security and Compliance: Adheres to industry standards for data protection and privacy, including GDPR and HIPAA compliance.

Implementation Process


  • Must configure reports as Advanced type to enable web service access.

  • Need to be a ManageBetter super or IT admin (check with manager if unsure).

  • Automatic daily syncing from Workday to ManageBetter after integration activation.

Integration Steps:

Step 1: Create New User

  • Log in to Workday account.

  • Create a new Integration System User (e.g., "ManageBetter_Integration_User").

  • This user will download reports for ManageBetter.

Step 2: Create Security Group

  • Create a new security group with Type set to Integration System Security Group (Unconstrained).

  • Add ManageBetter_Integration_User to the group (ensure the correct user is selected).

  • Name the security group something like "ManageBetter_Integration_SG".

Step 3: Add Domain Security Policies

  • Permit Get access for the following domains:

    • Person Data: Name, Personal Data, Work Contact Information

    • Worker Data: Workers, All Positions, Current Staffing Information, Public Worker Reports, Employment Data, Organization Information

  • Activate security policy changes.

Step 4: Activate Security Policy Changes

  • Navigate to Activate Pending Security Policy Changes page (search for it in Workday).

  • Confirm activation.

Step 5: Create Custom Report

  • Enter Report Name (e.g., "ManageBetter_Employee_Data").

  • Select Advanced report type.

  • Enable as Web Service.

  • Add required fields:

    • Employee ID

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Hire Date

    • Business Title

    • Department

    • Manager ID

    • Email

    • Phone Number

    • Worker Status

  • Optional: Add custom fields that exist in Workday and match ManageBetter's supported field types (check ManageBetter docs for details).

Step 6: Add Authorized User to Report

  • Add ManageBetter_Integration_User to the report's Authorized Users field.

Step 7: Finish Custom Report Configuration

  • Share the report as a web service.

  • Copy the REST URL (save it somewhere safe).

Step 8: Enter Data into ManageBetter

  • Log in to ManageBetter.

  • Navigate to Admin > Settings > Platform > Integrations.

  • Enter ManageBetter_Integration_User credentials and report URL.

  • Click Connect to complete the integration setup.

Use Cases and Case Studies

  • Example Use Case: A healthcare network uses the integration to synchronize employee data between Workday and ManageBetter, streamlining performance reviews and enhancing reporting capabilities.

Pricing and Plans

  • Cost Structure: Integration is included in the standard subscription plans for Workday and ManageBetter’s enterprise plan.


  • What data is synced? Names, email addresses, job titles, start dates, departments, managers, birthdays, and employee IDs.

  • How often is data synced? Data can be auto-synced nightly or synced manually as needed.

  • Is the integration secure? Yes, the integration adheres to industry-standard security protocols and compliance requirements.

Call to Action

Ready to streamline your HR processes? Connect your Workday account with ManageBetter today and experience the benefits. Contact us if you have additional questions.

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