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ManageBetter’s ReviewBuilder has over 3,000 phrases for managers to choose from when putting together performance reviews. From leadership to technical knowledge, there are phrases to help you make a personalized performance review across many different skillsets and job descriptions. Finding the right words to compliment or give constructive feedback to your employees isn't always easy and can waste your valuable time if not done correctly.  Consider the following scenarios: 

Scenario 1

As a manager you know Ronda always has something to say but she never speaks up in meetings. Using ManageBetter’s ReviewBuilder, you decide to look through phrases under communication skills and also discover phrases related to listening skills. This opens up more opportunities for feedback and results in a robust performance review for Ronda!

Scenario 2

Brad has recently uncovered a brilliant solution to a large business problem and you’d like to highlight this accomplishment in his performance review. Using ManageBetter’s ReviewBuilder, you look under problem-solving skills to find a professional way to write about the accomplishment and locate helpful critical thinking phrases to support your thoughts on Brian’s performance at the same time.

Scenario 3

You notice that John is suffering from low productivity levels at work. With the help of ManageBetter’s ReviewBuilder, you are able to effectively pinpoint phrases that can best describe the effects of the decreased productivity within the quality of work section. Then, you are able to discuss with John a plan on how to use the workday hours to maximize productivity and improve his execution skills. 

Scenario 4 

Brianna uses strong leadership skills within your organization and always attempts to include others in a collaborative manner. You notice how these efforts have led others to increase their efforts and allowed for strong success within your team. You are looking for a way to compliment Brianna that she will appreciate and remember. Using ManageBetter’s ReviewBuilder, you discover key phrases to highlight her leadership abilities along with her adaptability, and collaboration skills. With these phrases, you write a letter of recommendation for her promotion. 


Our artificial intelligence algorithms can detect your intent and suggest phrases from related competencies to extend your search. This can help expand your original thought process and build more detailed performance reviews. 

Let us do the thinking for you, get started with ManageBetter’s ReviewBuilder today.

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