10 Sample Appreciation Messages to Send to Employees

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Employees enjoy being reminded that their hard work does pay off in the end and has an impact on the team. Sometimes the hustle and bustle of being a manager can lead to forgetting to thank your employees for their efforts. 

Effects of No Appreciation on Employees

When employees feel unappreciated, the following effects may occur: 

  • Lower productivity: The employee realizes their work is going unnoticed and chooses to lower their productivity due to unappreciation.

  • Less likely to stay at the company: Employees will turn to companies where their work is appreciated and where they feel valued. To retain employees, appreciation is key.

  • Lower morale: If an employee feels unappreciated, they can become unmotivated to complete work. This lower morale can affect other team members and overall lead to a lower quality of work.

With these effects in mind, it is important to find a method that works best for your employees to feel appreciated and valued within your workplace.

Communication Methods to Thank Employees

Depending on the structure of your company or team, there may be a specific method that could work best for appreciating your employees. Consider the following platforms to see what could be right for you: 

  • In-person conversation 

  • Email

  • Phone call

  • Virtual call 

  • Zoom reaction 

  • Chat message (Slack, Teams, Google Chats, WhatsApp) 

  • Handwritten note

An appreciation gesture can be simple, but cannot be forgotten. A “thank you” can go a long way to making an employee feel valued in your workplace. 

Sample Messages to Give Your Appreciation to An Employee 

Sample Message 1

Hi Martin,

I hope your work week has been going smoothly. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts in aiding employee Doug with their onboarding activities and helping them become more acclimated to our company. Thank you so much for taking the time to help!




When asking an employee to help out a new employee, it is important to show appreciation for their time because they had to spend less time on tasks of their own in the process. In addition, it reinforces your recognition of their work. 

Sample Message 2 

Hello Kennedy! Thank you so much for your great work this week on tasks ____.  Your efforts don’t go unnoticed!


At the end of the work week, it can be important to recognize your employee’s work throughout the past week. This can be a simple thank you at the end of a meeting or a quick direct message for remote workers. It also ends the week on a positive note and allows the employee to go home for the weekend feeling valued. 

Sample Message 3

Hi Mateo,

I hope you are doing well! I noticed your consistent contributions and new ideas in the group meeting the other day and appreciated how you were able to lead the group. These new proposals will be super valuable to our work going forward. You are a great leader for being able to ask questions and propose new ideas that the group collaborated on. Thank you for making the meeting super productive! 




Acknowledging an employee’s efforts in a group meeting can help encourage them to continue this positive behavior in the future. In addition, this will demonstrate your interest in the employee and your attentiveness during the meeting. 

Sample Message 4

Hello Emma! I wanted to give you my appreciation for the great presentation you gave in the meeting today. It was clear that you put a lot of time and research into your slideshow and speech. I learned a lot about your ideas and tactics for our company. Thank you again for your continuous amazing work ethic! 


When possible, thank an employee for their efforts in presenting the theme. It reassures their work is noticed and demonstrates the value you have for their thoughts. In addition, many employees could feel very nervous about presentations, so assuring the employee of its success is critical. 

Sample Message 5

Hello Sandy,

I hope your work day is going well so far! I wanted to thank you for your latest efforts on project ___. Your skills have allowed our business to expand and others around you truly appreciate your work. I have attached some data below that demonstrates quantitative growth in our company due to your work on the project. Again, I appreciate your hard work always!




Adding quantitative data to the appreciation message can truly demonstrate the employee’s contributions and allow them to see what their hard work leads to. It can be a great connection and motivation mechanism for some employees. 

Sample Message 6

Hi Addison! Thank you so much for taking over ___ task. I appreciate your help as I had a super busy week. Your hard work is truly valued in our workplace!


When asking an employee to do something for you or someone else in the workplace, it is really important to show them an appreciation for taking on more work. Doing so will make the employee feel valued rather than overworked in the company. 

Sample Message 7

Hello Catherine,

I wanted to reach out to you to thank you for your endless efforts in reaching our company-wide milestone. Your work with project ___ and within your department contributed to the overall success. Your efforts do not go unnoticed in our large company and each of us truly impacted the overall mission. 


Mentioning an individual’s accomplishments towards a larger company milestone can truly demonstrate your value and praise of that employee’s abilities.

Sample Message 8

Hi Pablo! I noticed you stayed late at work yesterday to finish up your task. I appreciate you putting in extra time and your efforts are truly valued. 


When you notice any sort of extra effort being put into a task, compliment the employee, even with a simple thank you. Doing so will make the employee see that you truly notice their efforts. 

Sample Message 9

Hi George,

I hope you are doing well! I noticed you have made improvements in your work recently and have taken the feedback from the performance review. I truly appreciate you taking the time to make these improvements and learn to grow within our workplace. If you need anything, feel free to reach out.

Best wishes,



When your employee makes crucial improvements in their performance, assure them of their developments. This will help reinforce better habits and express your interest in the employee’s success. 

Sample Message 10

Hello Angelina! Thank you for your wonderful contributions today. We appreciate your efforts here at ___. 


Not every appreciation message needs to be super elaborate to resonate with the employee. A simple thank you can go a long way and demonstrates your value and interest in each employee. 


As a manager, it can be difficult to find the time to thank each of your employees in a meaningful manner. However, a simple thank you at the end of the workday can have a huge impact on the employee’s outlook on the company. Understanding each of your employees will help you find a way to express your gratitude in an individualized manner. 

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