📣 viaMaven Rebranding to ManageBetter

I’m Lewis Lin, the CEO and founder of viaMaven. I'm excited to announce that our company is changing our name from viaMaven to ManageBetter.

Why are we rebranding?

When we first launched viaMaven, many of our customers would often ask “what does viaMaven mean?” It seemed that most people were not familiar with the term "maven." Maven means expert or connoisseur. And those who knew did not understand the connection between maven and our company.

The name viaMaven soon distracted us and our customers from our actual purpose and products. Yes, viaMaven has the benefit of being a unique name.

However, we decide it was time for a change.

How did we come up with ManageBetter? 

One major thing we wanted was for our customers to understand the purpose of our brand by glancing at its name. But we wanted it to be more than just a name. We wanted it to reflect the aspirations of our customers. 

Today’s managers aren’t supported enough. Many strive to be better managers but don’t have the right tools to get there. 

ManageBetter reflects this very aspiration of our customers. We want to support managers and help them be great. Helping managers be better is what we do.

Our new vision for ManageBetter

This new name comes with a new, refined vision. 

We want to give managers software that supports their employees through personalized action plans, career goals, and actionable feedback. 

In the coming months, we will launch our second product, a manager dashboard that we've codenamed M7.

With this new product, ManageBetter will foster a symbiotic relationship between managers and employees. Managers will provide consistent feedback and coaching to their employees through our dashboard and in turn, employees will excel in their professional development. 

You can think of ManageBetter like this: 

  • Salesforce CRM is the dashboard for sales professionals.

  • JIRA is the dashboard for product managers

ManageBetter will be the corresponding dashboard for managers, offering everything managers need to make their employees great.

What about the performance review generator?

In case you were wondering, we are keeping our performance review generator that you have come to love and appreciate. So do not worry, it's not going away.

Let’s do this

We are thrilled about this rebrand and can’t wait to launch our second product.

We would like to thank all of our customers for their patience and support during the transition to the new brand.

We appreciate you all ❤️,


P.S. Our users will see the name "ManageBetter" in the coming weeks, so our website may refer to both names.


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