11 Examples of Weaknesses for 360 Feedback


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It’s time for performance reviews. You’ve got a stack of 360 feedback forms to fill out. Are you struggling to figure out what to say, especially when it comes to your co-workers’ weaknesses? Read our suggestions below on how to provide constructive feedback without hurting your co-workers feelings.

On weak communication skills

“I appreciate how detailed and thoughtful your emails are. Sometimes, especially when we’re swamped with work, I find it difficult to discern the important points within all the text. It then makes it difficult for me to respond in a timely manner. I would appreciate it if you would please highlight the main points at the top of your email.”

On weak presentation skills

“From reading your slides during our weekly presentations, I see that you have great insights to share. It seems like you may not feel the most comfortable speaking in front of an audience. With some practice, I believe you’ll have a more impactful presentation.”

On lack of accountability

“You are a high performing individual who consistently produces great results. I know you always try your best and it doesn’t seem to sit well with you when you make a mistake. I would appreciate it if you could take responsibility for your mistakes, rather than put blame on external factors. Part of being a great leader is to be able to acknowledge mistakes.”

On being impatient

“I appreciate how quickly you complete tasks and want fast results. It would be great if you could work on being more mindful of others’ priorities when they aren’t able to get back to you as quickly as you would like.”

On lack of strategic thinking

“You are consistently great at coming up with quick, short term solutions. When it comes to implementing long-term projects, you struggle to think strategically about how all the aspects affect one another. For future projects, I would appreciate it if you would spend more time thinking through different strategies and potential outcomes before deciding on a plan.

On poor teamwork

“When we need all hands on deck to complete last minute projects, there have been a few times where you were late by over 30 minutes. This makes me feel as if you don’t value the team. I would appreciate it if you would be on time to participate on future projects.”

On poor attention to detail

“I appreciate your urgency in completing tasks. There have been a few times where the details have been overlooked. I would appreciate it if you could pay closer attention to the details.”

On poor time management

“For the last couple of projects, it seems as if you’ve been taking it slow at the beginning and pushing all the crucial tasks until the end. You then become extremely stressed, getting really close to burnout. To prevent yourself from burning out in future projects, it might be helpful to sit down and create a balanced schedule prior to starting.”

On poor listening skills

“I noticed you often repeat the same question multiple times within a meeting even when we’ve already gone over the answers. I wonder if it could be because you’re distracted by your laptop, therefore not actively listening. In order to respect everyone’s time, it would be great if you would give your undivided attention during the meetings.”

On lack of taking initiative

“One improvement you might make is to not wait for instructions if you see there is something you can do within your means to make improvements. If you were a bit more anticipating rather than reactive, it may accelerate our success.”

On lack of understanding 

“In the past couple of days, I noticed when a person disagrees with your viewpoint and tries to share his/her own perspective, you tend to get defensive. You will try to argue why you are right and the other person is wrong. Rather than try to persuade the others on your perspective, it will be helpful for you to ask clarifying questions to understand their thoughts.”

For more examples of weaknesses, check out ManageBetter’s feedback phrases.

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