Use case by features

Effortless 360 evaluations

At ManageBetter, we know that giving thoughtful feedback to your team can be a challenge. That's why we've created a point-and-click feedback solution that makes it easy to identify problematic behaviors through both manager and peer evaluations. With hundreds of feedback prompts across 30+ competencies, we help you call out behaviors you might not have noticed before, so you can create a culture of growth and development for your team.

Instant review builder

With Review Builder, we empower you to instantly craft personalized reviews that leverage feedback from yourself and your peers that speaks to your team member's unique strengths and weaknesses. You can customize the review requirements to focus on the specific competencies, time periods, and reviewers that matter most to you. We ensure that your feedback to the team is grounded on specific observed behaviors and insights. Don't settle for lacklustre performance reviews that don't do justice to your team's hard work and potential. With the Review Builder, you can effortlessly take charge of your team's growth and development.

Insight and analytics for data-driven decisions

We believe that data-driven decisions are the key to success. That's why we provide you with deep insights into your team's performance, so you can make informed decisions about which employees require corrective action or when it's time to part ways. Our feedback phrases are scored to give you objective rankings of your employees' competencies, allowing you to compare and contrast their performance. And with our powerful analytics, you can prepare for tough performance conversations, promotion recommendations, and even challenging layoff decisions.

Personalized suggestions for improvement

We understand that every employee is unique, and that's why our performance improvement suggestions are tailored to each individual's needs. Using the feedback data you've collected, we generate personalized suggestions that focus on improving specific weaknesses, so you can help your employees reach their full potential. Our improvement suggestions help address performance gaps and provide employees with a roadmap to make the necessary adjustments to their actions and behaviors.

Resume-like project timelines

Tracking project achievements is crucial in identifying patterns of underperformance in employees. That's why ManageBetter provides a resume-like timeline that highlights project details, encouraging accuracy, communication, and accountability. With a quick glance, you can see the role your employee had in a project and the results of that project, providing specific examples for you to reference when giving constructive feedback. With ManageBetter, you can empower your team to achieve great things, and drive success for your business.