Remote Managers

The problem

Managing underperforming or toxic employees is a challenge for any manager, but it can be particularly difficult for remote managers. Here are some of the common challenges.

  • It can be difficult to identify issues with your remote team members since you lack the same level of visibility into their work as you would in an in-person setting. Cues like body language and tone of voice can be missed, leading to unnoticed problems that can grow into larger issues down the line.

  • Addressing performance or behavior issues in remote employees can be particularly challenging due to communication barriers. You may have to rely on email, chat, or video conferencing to communicate with your team members, making it harder to convey tone and establish rapport. Additionally, navigating different cultural norms or time zones can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings.

  • You may feel like you have less control over your remote team's performance and behavior. It can be challenging to monitor progress and track improvements, making it harder to get underperforming or toxic employees back on track.

  • Finally, resolving the issue can also be difficult as a remote manager. You may need to find ways to provide more support or resources to your employees, but this can be challenging when working remotely. Establishing clearer expectations and metrics for success can also be more difficult, potentially leading to delays in resolving the issue and impacting team morale and productivity.

Why it’s important to address this problem

As a remote manager, it is crucial to address underperforming or toxic employees as their negative behavior can spread to others and decrease morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. However, identifying and addressing these issues can be difficult due to communication barriers and a lack of visibility. It's important to address these problems head-on to improve the performance and behavior of individual employees and foster a healthier and more productive work environment for the entire team.

How do some remote managers handle the problem today?

  • Some managers may be tempted to avoid addressing performance or behavior issues with remote employees, especially if they are uncomfortable with confrontation or if they feel it will be harder to do so remotely. However, avoiding the issue can allow the problem to persist and can ultimately harm team performance and morale.

  • Some managers may attempt to micromanage remote employees in an effort to monitor their performance more closely. However, micromanaging can be demotivating for employees and can create a culture of distrust and disengagement.

  • Remote managers may try to apply the same management strategies and techniques to all employees, regardless of their individual needs or challenges. This approach can overlook the unique needs and strengths of each employee and can lead to ineffective management.

  • Remote managers may struggle to communicate effectively with their employees, whether due to language barriers, technical issues, or cultural differences. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and a lack of clarity around expectations and goals.

These approaches don’t work well because they fail to address the root causes of underperformance or toxicity, and can ultimately harm team performance and morale.

How can ManageBetter help?

As a remote manager, effectively managing underperforming or toxic employees can be a daunting task. However, with the help of ManageBetter, you can overcome the unique challenges of remote management. Our platform offers a variety of tools and resources that can help you address these issues and improve team productivity and morale.

  • Communication with your team can be challenging, especially when providing feedback on performance or behavior. With ManageBetter, you can streamline this process and ensure that your employees receive the feedback they need to improve.

  • Holding employees accountable can also be challenging when working remotely. ManageBetter offers a solution by providing a visual timeline of completed projects, allowing you to track deliverables and hold employees accountable.

  • Understanding team performance is crucial to identifying issues that may be contributing to underperformance or toxicity. ManageBetter provides valuable insights and data to help you make informed decisions about how to improve team dynamics and productivity.

Managing underperforming or toxic employees in a remote setting can be challenging. However, ManageBetter provides remote managers with the necessary tools, resources, and support to effectively manage their teams. By using our platform, you can streamline communication, enhance accountability, and gain valuable insights into your team's performance, ultimately leading to a healthier and more productive work environment.