7 Awesome Email Templates to Request Co-worker Feedback

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It’s the dreaded peer review season. You need to ask your co-workers to provide feedback, but you don’t know if they’ll say no or say good things about you.

Your promotion is on the line, and the last thing you want is to get torpedoed by a disgruntled co-worker because you forgot to invite them to lunch three months ago.

The best way to avoid negative feedback responses is to maintain goodwill with colleagues and perform at your best constantly. Sending a professional and friendly email can also help when you are making requests for feedback.

If you want to see the email templates we’ve created , just scroll below to see all seven.

Sample Email 1: Requesting feedback from a close colleague


  • This should be the easiest and most common approach

  • Casually ask for their opinions and observations

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Sample Email 2: Requesting feedback from a teammate you don’t work with often


  • Use a cordial tone and appeal to their sense of camaraderie

  • Offer to also provide feedback to them, should they want it

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Sample Email 3: Requesting feedback from a coworker you don’t like


  • Keep it professional and on-point

  • Don’t bring up past disagreements or issues

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Sample Email 4: Requesting feedback from someone on a different team


  • Remind the person what you worked on together

  • Be complimentary to them and their team

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Sample Email 5: Requesting feedback from a team you recently joined


  • Show your enthusiasm to be on the team

  • Let them know you want to use feedback to be a better team member

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Sample Email 6: Requesting feedback for a 360 degree feedback review


  • Give any specific instructions relevant to the 360 degree process

  • Ask for their input on both your strengths AND weaknesses

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Sample Email 7: Requesting feedback from your manager


  • Your manager is also, technically, a “coworker”

  • Don’t forget to ask for feedback from them regularly, especially when you have a specific performance issue or roadblock

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We hope these seven email templates save you time and stress when you need to reach out to co-workers for feedback. Remember to be kind, professional and clear in your emails!

Subscribe to The Thoughtful Leader newsletter to discover leadership insights to elevate your team's performance.


How to Ask for 360º Feedback (With Email Templates)


42 Unforgettable 360° Feedback Examples for Peers